*Mengenai buruh luarnegeri ke Indonesia. Pada akhir tahun 1970-an ada itu
doktin yang namanya :  New World Order, yaitu antara lain dalamnya
dikatakan "Free movement capital and labour",  jadi negara-negara yang
memakai politik ekonomi pasar mengikuti doktrin tsb pada umumnya mengikuti
doktrisn tsb.. Jadi kalau sesutau perusahaan mendapat kontrak untuk
melakukan sesuatu proyek di negeri lain, dia mempunyai hak membawa
buruhnya, terkecuali ada perjanjian tersendiri untuk membatasi jumlah
puruh (staf) yang boleh diikutsertakan dengan modal yang ditanamkan.*

On Sun, Mar 22, 2020 at 7:11 PM kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45] <
GELORA45@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Namanya Zhang Moumou, ada di artikel lain :
> https://jabar.sindonews.com/read/20953/1/satu-warga-shaanxi-terinfeksi-corona-china-kambing-hitamkan-indonesia-1584612233
> Op zo 22 mrt. 2020 om 16:05 schreef ajeg ajegil...@yahoo..com
> <ajegil...@yahoo.com> [GELORA45] <GELORA45@yahoogroups.com>:
>> Video masuknya puluhan buruh RRC itu ke Kendari beredar luas dan
>> menghebohkan, sampai Kapolda Sultra sendiri yang muncul menjawab
>> kehebohan di masyarakat. Jenderal polisi itu mengatakan bahwa puluhan
>> TKA dalam video viral tersebut baru datang dari Jakarta setelah
>> memperpanjang visa kerja (sementara itu, si pembuat video sudah langsung
>> dia tangkap dengan tuduhan bikin resah masyarakat).
>> Hari berikutnya, pihak imigrasi membantah pernyataan kapolda. Dalam
>> catatan keimigrasian disebut bahwa puluhan TKA itu adalah rombongan baru..
>> Mereka berangkat melalui Thailand ke Jakarta. Jadi, tidak betul rombongan
>> TKA itu ke Jakarta untuk memperpanjang visa kerja.. Mereka 100% pendatang
>> baru.
>> Ketika Kapolda minta maaf atas "kesalahan informasinya", saya tanggapi di
>> milis ini dengan mengusulkan pak jenderal untuk mengundurkan diri saja.
>> Dengan catatan, sebelum mundur pak jenderal proses dululah secara hukum
>> pihak-pihak yang mendatangkan dan mempekerjakan puluhan TKA itu.
>> Pihak-pihak itulah yang memberi informasi palsu sehingga pak jenderal
>> bicara ngawur. Pihak-pihak penipu itulah yang harus ditangkap, bukan si
>> pembuat video!
>> Nah, kaitannya dengan berita tentang "Zhang" yang juga menghebohkan ini
>> menurut saya adalah, bukan mustahil "Zhang" hanya karakter fiktif
>> belaka. Sengaja diciptakan sebagai kehebohan baru untuk menutupi atau
>> mengalihkan kasus masuknya rombongan TKA RRC di Kendari. Ya, baru kali ini
>> saya temukan nama yang begitu singkat, "Zhang", tanpa embel-embel apa pun.
>> --- jetaimemucho1@... wrote:
>> Kalau memang betul Zhang itu kena virusnya di Indonesia, lantas kenapa
>> harus dihebohkan dan dipersoalkan??? Pernah saya baca pemerintah secara
>> resmi melarang orang Tiongkok masuk Indonesia, lantas bagaimana dengan
>> kedatangan 49 buruh tiongkok baru-baru ini?? Kenapa larangan itu tidak
>> berlaku pada mereka??? Para pemodal asing/investor sudah lama mendatangkan
>> banyak penyakit kepada penduduk Indonesia melalui perkebunan dan
>> pertambangannya yang tidak menghiraukan soal lingkungan. Virus Covid-19
>> mendatangkan kematian. Begitu juga kemiskinan dan kemelaratan yang diderita
>> rakyat Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh politik rezim Jokowi yang menjual
>> kekayaan sumber daya alam.... dan itu mendatangkan kematian!!! Jangan lupa
>> itu!!
>> On Sunday, March 22, 2020, 06:12:50 AM GMT+1, Sunny ambon wrote:
>> https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/03/19/china-reports-imported-covid-19-case-from-indonesia.html
>> *China reports imported COVID-19 case from Indonesia*
>> *China reports imported COVID-19 case from Indonesia*
>>    -
>>    Budi Sutrisno
>>    The Jakarta Post
>> Jakarta   /   Thu, March 19, 2020   /   11:41 am
>> China has announced an imported COVID-19 case from Indonesia, a
>> 35-year-old Chinese national identified as Zhang, who had developed
>> symptoms in the archipelago last week before being diagnosed upon his
>> return to Shaanxi province.
>> The Shaanxi Health Commission announced on its website
>> <http://sxwjw.shaanxi.gov.cn/art/2020/3/17/art_9_68997.html> on Tuesday
>> that Zhang was the province’s first imported case. He reportedly developed
>> a cough and fever on March 10 during his stay in Indonesia.
>> However, which city in Indonesia he visited and how he became
>> infected remain unclear.
>> The report said Zhang took Dragon Air flight KA896 from Indonesia to
>> Shanghai via Hong Kong on March 13 and stayed at the Vienna International
>> Hotel in Shanghai that night.
>> The next day, Zhang traveled by car to Shanghai Pudong International
>> Airport at 2 p.m. local time, departed on China Eastern flight MU2162 at
>> around 5 p.m. and arrived at the Xi’an Xianyang International Airport in
>> Shaanxi at 7:45 p.m.
>> Upon arriving in Xi'an, Zhang informed airport staff of his physical
>> discomfort. As he showed a high temperature, he was sent to the Xi'an
>> Central Hospital at midnight.
>> Read also: COVID-19: Indonesia records highest death toll in Southeast
>> Asia at 19
>> <https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/03/18/covid-19-indonesia-records-highest-death-toll-in-southeast-asia-at-19.html>
>> Early Sunday morning, the Xi’an Center for Disease Control (CDC)
>> conducted a nucleic acid and serological tests on him. The nucleic acid
>> test was inconclusive, while the serological test came out negative.
>> A second nucleic acid test done the next day came out positive. Zhang
>> also went through an examination of clinical symptoms, blood tests, imaging
>> tests and expert consultation before being diagnosed as a confirmed case..
>> He was immediately transferred to the Xi'an Eighth Hospital for isolation
>> and treatment.
>> Authorities have isolated Zhang’s close contacts in China for medical
>> observation. The Shaanxi Health Department said there were 80 new close
>> contacts in the province, of which 79 were linked to Zhang.
>> [image: A patient (L) infected by the COVID-19 coronavirus receives
>> acupuncture treatment at Red Cross Hospital in Wuhan in China's central
>> Hubei province on March 11, 2020.]A patient (L) infected by the COVID-19
>> coronavirus receives acupuncture treatment at Red Cross Hospital in Wuhan
>> in China's central Hubei province on March 11, 2020. (AFP/STR )
>> The Health Ministry’s disease control and prevention director general,
>> Achmad Yurianto, said he had not received any information on the matter but
>> would trace Zhang’s close contacts in Indonesia.
>> “Tracing is a certain thing, but it will be difficult. Where do we want
>> to start if we don’t know which city he went to?"  Yurianto told *The
>> Jakarta Post* on Wednesday, adding that the Indonesian Embassy in China
>> would take the initial steps.
>> Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun said he would contact
>> the Chinese government and ask details on Zhang before passing them to
>> Jakarta for further investigation.
>> “Indeed, the number of cases from internal transmissions in China has
>> now declined. They are mostly flown in from outside [of China]. Out of 13
>> confirmed cases [on Wednesday], 12 were imported,” he told the *Post.*
>> Read also: COVID-19: Indonesia suspends visa-free policy, expands ban
>> for people from worst-hit countries
>> <https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2020/03/17/covid-19-indonesia-suspends-visa-free-policy-expands-ban-for-people-from-worst-hit-countries.html?src=mostviewed&pg=news/2020/03/18/covid-19-indonesia-records-highest-death-toll-in-southeast-asia-at-19.html>
>> As of Tuesday, China has reported 80,894 COVID-19 cases, of which 69,614
>> have recovered and 3,237 died. At least 155 imported cases were recorded in
>> China, Djauhari said.
>> Meanwhile, Shaanxi has reported a total of 246 confirmed cases, with 233
>> discharged cases and three deaths.
>> After the first imported case with Zhang, the
>> Shaanxi administration followed the strict measures applied by most regions
>> in China by ordering a 14-day quarantine for people entering the province
>> starting Tuesday to strengthen its prevention and control measures.
>> Under the order, Chinese or foreign nationals entering Shaanxi directly
>> or transferred from other cities in the country must immediately report
>> their basic information and health status to quarantine personnel and
>> community workers.
>> “[They must] actively cooperate with relevant units to carry out
>> prevention and control measures, such as nucleic acid testing and
>> centralized isolation for 14 days. Related costs would be borne by each
>> individual,” the administration said as reported by *People’s Daily
>> Xi’an <http://sn.people.com.cn/n2/2020/0317/c226647-33880782.html>**.*
>> [image: A medical staff member gestures inside an isolation ward at Red
>> Cross Hospital in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on March 10,
>> 2020.]A medical staff member gestures inside an isolation ward at Red
>> Cross Hospital in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province on March 10,
>> 2020. (AFP/STR)
>> It also required officials in government agencies and institutions at all
>> levels in the province to make a report as soon as they learn that
>> relatives and friends are about to return to Shaanxi from abroad.
>> “Those who conceal contact or residence history, misrepresented their
>> illness or refused to implement prevention and control measures that can
>> spread or cause the risk of spreading the new coronavirus will be
>> investigated for [negligence],” it added.
>>    -
  • [GELORA45] Chinareports ... Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
    • Re: [GELORA45] Chin... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
      • Re: [GELORA45] ... ajeg ajegil...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
        • Re: [GELORA... kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
          • Re: [GE... Sunny ambon ilmeseng...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
      • RE: [GELORA45] ... 'nesare' nesa...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
        • Re: [GELORA... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
          • Re: [GE... ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]
            • Re... kh djie dji...@gmail.com [GELORA45]
              • ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
            • Re... ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]
              • ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
                • ... ChanCT sa...@netvigator.com [GELORA45]
                • ... 'B.H. Jo' b...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]
                • ... Tatiana Lukman jetaimemuc...@yahoo.com [GELORA45]

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