On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Gabe Black <gbl...@eecs.umich.edu> wrote:

> This is for error checking in microcode. Lets say you have microcode like
> this:
> // Check for flag foo to enable feature bar
> and t1, t2, t3
> // If foo isn't set, skip over the microcode for bar
> br afterBar
> panic "Feature bar not implemented"
> afterBar:
> blah blah
> Or you could make that a warn if feature bar wasn't that important. I
> suppose DPRINTF might sort of work, but it's not obvious how you could
> generically pick a trace flag to control it with. You'd have to pick
> something and hard code it, I think.

Ah, OK, this makes a lot more sense now...

> Also, how do we distinguish panic from fatal in this case?  I guess it's
> hard to decide a priori when you get something like a machine-check error
> whether that's due to a user error or an M5 bug, but I'd think we would pick
> one or the other (probably assume it's a user problem, like a bad kernel or
> device, and call it fatal) in which case we wouldn't need panic.
> This isn't for reporting the sort of problem I think you're assuming it is,
> though maybe I misinterpreting what you're saying. It seems to me that fatal
> or panic could each be appropriate some times, although I'd like to hear
> more about why you don't.

My thinking is that ISAs have very comprehensively defined behaviors, e.g.,
even if you give an instruction invalid inputs then there's a well-defined
fault that it is supposed to return.  So I can see panics or warnings for
running into behavior that isn't implemented in m5, but fatal implies that
the m5 user did something wrong (like specify a bogus configuration), and
it's difficult to think of a way that a user could mis-specify something
that would lead to an ISA-level situation (without being caught at some
higher level) where it's clear that it's a user error and not something
else.  The one example I can come up with is if some m5 pseudo-instruction
gets executed with an invalid argument value, but I'm not positive this kind
of fault is the right way to handle that.  Maybe it is though.

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