I am the assigned Gen-ART reviewer for this draft. For background on
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Document: draft-ietf-v6ops-64share-09
Reviewer: Ben Campbell
Review Date: 2014-03-21
IETF LC End Date: long time ago
IESG Telechat date: 2014-03-27

Note: I somehow missed this assignment at last call time. Therefore this review 
serves as both a last call and an IESG telechat review.

Summary: This draft is mostly ready for publication as an informational RFC. I 
have a few editorial comments that might be worth considering prior to 

Major issues: None

Minor issues: None

Nits/editorial comments:

-- Section 1, paragraph 1:

Can you elaborate on what it means to "extend" The prefix to a LAN link? Are we 
talking about routing IPv6 traffic from other local devices (on the LAN) across 
the 3gpp link, for example, like one might do when tethering devices to a phone 
or mobile hotspot?
Can you offer a reference for "the 3GPP specification"?

Can you offer a reference for "the 3GPP specification"?

-- paragraph 2: "This can be achieved by receiving the Router Advertisement 
(RA) [RFC4861] announced globally unique /64 IPv6 prefix from the 3GPP radio 
interface and then advertising"

What does these things. The UE?

Please expand RA on first mention.

-- section 3, R-1:

Please expand SLAAC on first use.

-- section 4.2, 1st paragraph: "The 3GPP RA /64 prefix information is used to 
configure NDP on the LAN and assigns itself an address on the LAN link."

The prefix information assigns itself an address? I don't think that's what you 
mean to say.

-- section 4.2, step 7:

Please expand DAD on first use.

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