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Document: draft-ietf-lisp-impact-04
Reviewer: Russ Housley
Review Date: 2015-10-14
IETF LC End Date: 2015-10-19
IESG Telechat date: unknown

Summary:  Almost Ready.

Major Concerns:

Section 3 says: "[KIF13] and [CDLC] explore different EDI prefix space
sizes, and still show results that are consistent and equivalent to the
above assumptions."  It seems like it would be valuable to include a
sentence or two about the way that EDI space is obtained.

Minor Concerns:

I found the Introduction and LISP in a nutshell sections a bit too
much like marketing material.  I think the document would be better
if the tone was more like an engineering analysis.

Perhaps this paragraph can be moved to the top:

   An introduction to LISP can be found in [RFC7215].  The LISP
   specifications are given in [RFC6830], [RFC6833],
   [I-D.ietf-lisp-ddt], [RFC6836], [RFC6832], [RFC6834].

Section 5 has very little content on "business models".  There is some,
but not much.  It seems odd that it appears in the section heading.

Other Comments:

Please spell out "DPI" and "DFZ" on first use.

Section 4 says: "Without LISP, operators are forced to centralize
service anchors in custom built boxes."  This seems a bit too strong.
Perhaps: "Without LISP, operators centralize service anchors."

Section 4.1: s/(non-LISP)routing/(non-LISP) routing/

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