
I would like to thank you for this email. I think you expressed several
things I was thinking a lot better than I would have been able to.


On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:17 PM, Kevin Gorman <> wrote:

> Hi all -
> I've been in a significant academic time crunch for the last several
> weeks, and Sarah is currently AFK, which is why neither of us have
> participated in this thread so far.  One of us (Sarah, me, or Cindy,)
> will probably have further comment on this thread in general and may
> reach out to some of you individually in the near future, but I wanted
> to send out a general note that the mods are reading this thread and
> some sort of action is likely to be forthcoming.
> For now:
> I agree with Fluffernutter that a lot of the behavior that has
> occurred on this thread is not productive.  I subscribe to this list
> because I believe it should be a place where we can have important
> discussions.  I believe that the gendergap in Wikimedia projects has
> significant real-world implications that need to be addressed to avoid
> significant long term consequences.  I believe that many of the
> subscribers to this list, including many people who have participated
> here, believe the same way.
> If you do believe the same way, I would ask that when you start to
> type a post to this list, please consider whether or not your comment
> will benefit our mutual goals, or whether it will harm them. If you
> feel you can't make a comment that will be productive (or at least
> neutral) at any given point, please hold off on sending your email for
> a while - even if it's just for a few hours - to allow tensions and
> feelings on all sides to de-escalate.
> Thanks,
> Kevin Gorman
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