Sarah, 14/05/2013 08:46:
Hi Sumana and Pete, I would object to closing any thread down. If people
don't want to read the thread, that's fine, but if others are discussing
it, please allow that.

You can as well continue with private email.
A posting rate limit has also proved successful on foundation-l to avoid similar cases of signal:noise ratio drops. If you really want to use this list, the list admins could add a mailman "topic" to the list, then you'd be able to use a safeword in your emails on the topic to state they're on that topic and I could filter them in my list preferences, allowing me to look at the sub-directory currently hosting this list in my mail client with less repugnance.

[...] I can't
imagine a more valid topic than women being represented sexually without
their consent on Wikimedia projects. [...]

For the records, I can.


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