Phoebe, I would really suggest reading the emails if you're interested in
the discussion (or, conversely, not asking for a summary if you're not),
but here's a quick-and-dirty condensation off the top of my head:

I started the thread to discuss how disposition of topless photo of a woman
on Commons (being used on enwp), and that woman's right to consent or not
consent to the photo being used, was being discussed entirely by men. The
conversation then veered to how sexual images on Commons are a
nearly-intractable problem and how Commons can be unwelcoming to people who
try to discuss them, then to discussion of the Board's resolution that we
must be sensitive to people's identity rights when photos are from private
places, then to how Commons does or doesn't adhere to that resolution, then
to how to *make *Commons adhere (better) to that resolution. There is no
final result; there is only a general feeling that Commons's common
practice is in dispute with how some people interpret the Board's
resolution, that other people feel Commons is already making huge
concessions to the ideas in the resolution, and that some individual images
and categories of images are rather blatant violations of Commons's and/or
the Board's policies/resolutions.

Hope this helps.


On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 11:51 AM, phoebe ayers <>wrote:

> Well, I haven't read ANY of the emails in the thread, for the petty reason
> that the subject line makes me cringe every time I see it. And according to
> my gmail count there's something like 100 mails on the topic, so I'm
> probably not going to start now. So if indeed there is actual progress
> being made, if someone could post a 1-para summary of the discussion and
> what the conclusions are, that would be awesome!
> (seriously. Refactoring is almost always a helpful exercise when it comes
> to long discussions on complicated issues -- for both the participants &
> those who haven't been following the discussion).
> -- phoebe
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