
Would it be possible to make the gump build directories browsable. It's
just a pain to debug gump and find where the problem is. Making these
directories visible will help a lot.

I've been trying to debug a cactus gump build problem for a week now
with no success. Every time I have to rely on the good will on one of
the gumpmeister to send me some files... I don't think this is how it
should work. Also, my time is not indefinitely flexible. During the week
and week end, I have some free time but it's not linear across the days.
That is, if I get a slot of a few hours on Saturday, I'd like to use it.
But I can't as I'm relying on others! As an example, I've asked for
files for the past 4 days and I still haven't received them...

If it's happening I guess it's happening for other projects too. 

Honestly I'm failing to see the point of Gump now. I used to like it but
it's too energy-consuming to fix something. I used to like it when it
was publishing the Cactus web site automatically (Stefano seems to be
saying it's impossible because of security issues but it *WAS* doing it
in the past - Ask Sam). As a consequence, I've had to set up my own
continuous build at home... and thus I don't really need Gump anymore as
my own build satisfies my needs and those of our community (yeah it
doesn't build against CVS HEAD of dependencies but it's ok. Whenever
there's a new release of a dependency I update it).



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