On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Vincent Massol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is that really called "redistributing"?

I'm a German native speaker, in case you are questioning my language

Providing a download is a form of distribution, yes.

> Also, what about this page: http://gump.covalent.net/jars/latest/? 
> It does the same thing, no?

Only for jars created by projects that have a <redistributable/>
element or inherit it from the module or even repository definition
that applies to them.

> In any case, Gump could simply not build non-redistributable jars
> (it could simply have them installed as packages).

There are quite a few (L)GPLed projects that Gump builds, and it
should IMHO.  Those are perfectly legal to distribute but we don't do
so because of Apache in-house policies.

We'd loose the early warning feature, which is something I wouldn't
want to loose just because a given project has elected a license I
don't agree with.  Note that the early warning works in two ways.  If
a projects builds using Ant and breaks because of a change in Ant, I
want to know about it, no matter which license the project uses.


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