Hi again!

I've just committed some changes to avalon-tools.xml. Basically we now have three projects defined:

   * avalon-tools-magic-bootstrap
   * avalon-tools-magic-home
   * avalon-tools-magic


This should build the magic jar. It assumes the ant and junit will be in the classpath. We can edit this definition as much as we want.


Uses the same buildfile as bootstrap to create and populate a directory with doc generation themes and magic build template and sets the created directory as the project <home/>. All generated project definitions reference this project as a dependency (with inherit="runtime") and use the home reference as the value assigned to ${magic.home}. This definition is also changeable.


This is a generated gump project definition that is only included for the purpose of testing the logic in the generation code. I.e. if there are problems with this definition I'll need to update Magic's gump task. The definition is a strait cut-and-past from this file:


Everything is now committed so I guess there will be something interesting to look at in the morning. In the meantime if anyone can see any immediate issue I'd love to hear about them.

Cheers, Steve.


| Magic by Merlin                       |
| Production by Avalon                  |
|                                       |
| http://avalon.apache.org              |

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