I will try to explain my opinion on some of the questions being raised so
far. Of course all these are open for discussion and nothing is final at
this moment.

1. This code base is primarily targeted for usage by HBase and Scribe. Both
of these are Apache open source projects.
2. Accordingly, my proposal is to name the branch hadoop-0.20-append. This
name is more generic than the earlier one I suggested.
3. The proposal to pull patches into this branch will follow normal
conventions that we follow in Hadoop. However, the release manager would
have an option to veto a patch from being pulled into the branch.
4. if this type of branching causes too many forks of core Hadoop, then we
can aim to merge some of them after some time. The time duration depends on
the stability of the code in that particular branch and is difficult to
predict. The PMC, of course, has to approve of any new branch; so, in effect
can prevent undesired multiple forks if that becomes a problem in the
5. code changes to this new branch will go through the normal process via
JIRAs, code reviews, unit tests, etc.
6. the goal is to have a standard hadoop release from  this branch at some
future point. if course, such a release has to be approved by the PMC. The
release could be marked as "experimental" or some such thing if deemed
appropriate by the PMC.


On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 3:26 PM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:

> On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 3:15 PM, Stack <st...@duboce.net> wrote:
> > Should it be all of hadoop?  Could it be hdfs only?
> >
> Please ignore the above question (I just took a look at 0.20 repo).
> St.Ack

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