On May 10, 2010, at 10:18 AM, Stack wrote:
> The above is a fallacious setup.  How does a branch in 0.20 detract
> from the 0.21 momentum (The append feature that we'd work on in 0.20
> branch has little relation to how append works in 0.21).

There are X amount of hours that people can put into Hadoop.  If Y amount goes 
into 0.20-append, then 0.21 is now left with X-Y.   X-Y < X.

>> I'd rather have the HBase folks put pressure on the Hadoop PMC to get 0.21 
>> out the door than create a custom-to-be-thrown-away-in-less-than-a-year 
>> branch.  This way we *all* benefit rather than a select, but vocal group.
> We're all behind 0.21.  Its the future.

Great.  Start using the time you'd put into 0.20-append into 0.21 and then 
we'll all be in a better place.

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