Berin Lautenbach wrote, On 25/07/2003 9.07:

Andrew C. Oliver wrote:

IMHO it depends on what the incubator PMC does. If they *do* create the
lists and the such then maybe they should set policy (meaning telling other
people what do do == policy). If they rely on the XML project and the
XMLBeans folks to do things then they should allow the XML project and
XMLBeans folks to set their own policy.


I am frutrated too, but I'm not ranting. Sorry, but it does not help anyone to start ranting. You know how much time sometimes is needed to take decisions in project, and the Incubator is a project itself.

Which is one of the things I'm having problems grappling with at the moment. Exactly what are the responsibilities of the various parties in this process?

It's simple:

The Incubator PMC is responsible for the project. All others (can) help.

Tell me what I need to do, and I'll do it.

I'll try to update the site docs ASAP.

Please be patient, we need help.

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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