On 7/29/03 4:41 AM, "Berin Lautenbach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Steven Noels wrote:
>> But being careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.  I
> would have said there is real value in the Incubator defining and
> fleshing out a process that is used by the various PMCs for incubation.
> It might even oversite the process at a high level to ensure
> consistency accross all incoming projects.

Which hasn't been done in coming up on 1 year.  You feel that the progress
to that effect will increase?  Lets face it, if Nicola wants to do that, he
will regardless of whether there is an incubator ;-)
> I think there might also need to be someone to look after projects that
> are going to come in at the top level - i.e. not under the auspices of
> another Apache project.  A lot of the current Incubator documentation
> focuses on that case.

Ahh now this is ultimately what the board would delegate presumably.
However do you feel that the incubator PMC has a larger role to play here or
the sponsoring member/infrastructure?
> (Harping on a subject) - a charter/mission statement would be good :>.
> The stuff on wiki is a first stab at roles and responsibilities - can we
> start with that and flesh out?

The problem with bureaucracy (I'm not using this as the negative
connotation, this is a bureaucracy by dictionary definition) is the
distribution of responsibility and credit is demotivating.


> Cheers,
> Berin
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Andrew C. Oliver
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