On 30/07/2003 18:21 Aaron Bannert wrote:

Yes, please discuss it here on [EMAIL PROTECTED] Private email is the absolute
worst place for these types of discussions.

That private mail, and even IRL talk, started literally _months_ ago when Cliff from BEA approached me during a tradeshow to talk about the eventual donation of XMLBeans to ASF. Given BEA's relative inexperience with ASF, some reasons of discretion, the turbulent discussions about process during Tapestry's incubation, and the long list of failures amongst the projects listed on http://nagoya.apache.org/wiki/apachewiki.cgi?ASFProposalPages, the proposal has been created offlist, but with a board member cc'ed on the most critical exchanges. That way, Cliff was able to come up with a well-crafted proposal, without getting drowned in discussions like these, which have nothing to do with content, and much with style & process. While I value process, process should help and encourage rather than obstruct progress.

After the proposal has been put live, I'm pretty sure the remaining private conversation is only about administrative details, like the correct spelling of cliff's account/first name and all that. Nothing harmful at all.

If the STATUS file hasn't been updated in 3 months, and you see something that
needs fixing, update it yourself!

I noticed that you think the incubator PMC is responsible for doing the *work*
of incubation. That is a false assumption. The Incubator is a place where new
projects can be incubated. The contributors to the Incubator are those
people who want to accomplish incubation. Anyone can contribute. The PMC
exists solely for oversight of the process, not to implement the process.

I'm pretty sure _nobody_ thinks the incubator PMC is responsible for doing any actual incubation work, except for setting out the guidelines. Pardon me, but if they fail in doing that, and in the mean time prove to be counterproductive by shielding away documents from people who are actually helping incubating projects, well....

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source, Java & XML Competence Support Center
Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org

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