On 8/10/03 3:28 AM, "Jason Hunter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Its even more interesting that the TCK may not be available for Jetspeed!
>> (Sun has chosen for this JSR to be under the JCP 2.1 process as opposed to
>> 2.5).
>> I was intrigued how my Microphone was cut during the "Independent look at
>> the Java Community Process" (formerly "Why The JCP is better than Open
>> Source"), when I attempted to query on this issue despite the objection of
>> Jason Hunter. (I have witnesses)
> Huh?  Are you taking a swipe at me?  Must you see a conspiracy in
> everything, from the members vote to how your microphone works to how I
> try to answer your question?

No, you were sitting there, I was mid sentence, they CUT the microphone you
said something like "no I want to hear..." and they "moved on"...  No swipe

Read another account in the event you think I'm too conspiratorial:

I did not necessarily see the board vote as conspiratorial but miscarried,
what's done is done.  At the time I was happy with the conclusion of the
vote, just not the process.

Its just like how most Republicans wouldn't like to see the next
Presidential election decided by the Supreme Court, even if they were happy
with the outcome.

> BTW the original title was a question "Better than Open Source?" and
> actually a title proposed by Danese Cooper of Sun who's probably their
> biggest open source advocate.  She was overruled by people who thought
> "open sourcers" would think the title was claiming the JCP to be better,
> ironically exactly like you did.

Interesting, this means Danese lied to me.  She told me Frank Sommers came
up with it.  

> -jh-
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Andrew C. Oliver
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