James Strachan wrote:
> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > One of the reasons for putting dynamically generated artifacts into
> > CVS is that in the event of a recovery situation, CVS is on one
> > server, and the web sites are on another, so recovery can be
> > relatively quick.  It is unreasonable to assume that the
> > infrastructure team has the tools, expertise or time to use each
> > different publishing engine.

> But the developers on the projects can easily do this for them? It
> takes about 5 minutes to completely redeploy the website.

You want to coordinate that for dozens of projects/sub-projects in
real-time?  :-)

In any event, I was just giving a reason.  Personally, I'd normally be on
the side of not storing generated artifacts in CVS.  Either way, it isn't my
call.  :-)

        --- Noel

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