Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
James Strachan wrote:

The only disagreement is - should all this dynamically generated stuff go into CVS or not. It seems silly to put it into CVS - since its trivial to regenerate the site at any point using Maven. Its worse than saying lets check every version of a jar into CVS.

we had this discussion at length and quite some time ago.  people
are pretty much committed to their positions by now, so unless there
are a lot of new people, or a lot of the old people have left, all
that bringing it up again will do is be an irritant. :-)

I wonder if the current size of the cvs modules involved (e.g. xml-site) might reinforce some of those old arguments against use of CVS?

I also wonder if there is not an opportunity here with forrestbot to look at a new approach?

Just being an irritant :>.


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