> From: "Noel J. Bergman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> In my view, the Sponsoring PMC *should* take an active role.  But the
> Incubator PMC is still responsible for making sure that all of criteria are
> met before letting it into the ASF proper.  Looking over the document, the
> Sponsoring PMC would be in the role of Sponsor, and is invested in project
> and Community building, whereas the Incubator PMC is still acting as the
> gatekeeper, ensuring the legal protection of the ASF.  Whatever tasks the
> Sponsor overtakes to help shephard the project, which can reduce the
> workload on the Incubator PMC, the Incubator PMC still has that final
> responsibility.

Sorry - the following rambles a bit.  Was trying
to explore accountabilities for Incubator PMC vs.
sponsoring PMC/board.

Fully agree.  However If this is the case, then we
need to have clearly documented points where the
Incubator is a mandatory sign-off.  One of the
things that has been clear with XMLBeans (for
example) is that there is some tension between
what the shephard has to do and what the PMC will
do.  In most cases, I believe the decision should
rest with the shephard (e.g. choice of list names
springs to mind :>), but there are some clear 
points in the process where the Incubator PMC
can act as impartial oversite that some action
(e.g. legal review) has been performed.

To my mind, the Incubator PMC and the shephard are
ultimately responsible back to the sponsoring
project or board.  The Incubator is the arbiter
that states the correct process has been followed.
The board or the relevant project are the
arbiters that state that this is something the
ASF as an organisation wants to take on.

For the XML project to take XMLBeans back on board
we would want a sign off from the Incubator PMC
that all has been done OK.  For a potential TLP,
I would expect the board would want something
similar prior to passing the necessary resolution.

If there is no sponsoring project, and the board
has not stepped in, then part of the incubation
process is to determine the end fit, and at that
point the Incubator will indicate to the end owner
(board or other project) that due-diligence has
been performed.


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