Apart from the general agreement on PPMCs, for this particular vote instance there has been a +1 from me, one from Noel, on with changes from Aaron and a positive comment from Leo.

Thus, and also given the rule we have tacitly agreed upon on the pmc list that the votes of this PMC are considered valid of there are not objections regardless the number of votes, I consider this vote passed.

Below is what I think is a sufficient summary of what PPMCs are. I'll be fixing the site with this info soon. If there are still things to change-fix, feel free to say so, they won't invalidate this vote but are just fixes that can be done as normal.

= PPMCs =

== Description ==

To make Incubating project learn to govern themselves and govern themselves at the same time, each project has a PPMC (a place where to practice having a PMC) that works similarly to a PMC but reports to the Incubator PMC instead of the board.

== Members of the PPMC ==

 * project developers-committers
 * landing PMC members that want to help (if there is a landing PPMC)
 * Incubator PMC members that want to help

The Mentors are the only ones /required/ to participate on the -dev list. The other Incubator members would have to "catch up" to the extent that PPMC discussion requires external context.

Incubator PMC members not engaged in active development or discussion on a project are still able to eventually intervene in quality of observers. They should refrain from voting on project decisions unless really necessary, thus acting as vetoers of last resort.

== Reporting the the main Incubator PMC ==

Development and discussions go on the dev lists, where the Mentors are the ones doing active oversight.

The status updates are posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED], prior ACK from any Incubator PMC member.

== FAQ ==

Joe Developer: "So, how does this 'incubation' thing work then?"
Website: "Well, we want to do our best to make new projects feel
welcome at the ASF, and we want the ASF to feel comfortable bringing
the new project under its hood. This requires a get-to-know-the-ropes
period, which we call incubation. We establish something dubbed a
PPMC, which is a mailing list where a project's core group learns how
to deal with all those 'serious' intricacies that come with being a part
of the ASF, like quarterly reports, voting in committers, STATUS
file management, voting procedures, etc etc.

Also, we'll take a good look at any IP/licensing/copyright/trademark
issues that may exist during the incubation process. As soon as it is
clear that a project has truely captured the ASF spirit and all legal
issues are sorted out, the project leaves incubation and lives on on
its own."

Joe Developer: "So, what is this PPMC thing?"
Website: "A mailing list where the project's core group learns what
it means to be part of the ASF. To help them do that, there's a group
of ASF people called the Incubator PMC. Also, there will often be
other interested ASF members to help out and answer questions."

Joe PPMC Member: "So how do I...?"
Website: "We don't have clean answers to most of those questions
(yet). Just post an e-mail about the question/issue/problem, and we'll
figure things out together."

Joe PPMC Member: "I don't have any more questions!"
Website: "Well, good! Go on then, out of the womb, go and
manage things on your own. By the way, would you be interested
in a position on the Incubator PMC to help out new projects?"

-- Nicola Ken Barozzi [EMAIL PROTECTED] - verba volant, scripta manent - (discussions get forgotten, just code remains) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

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