Dear Roy,

Of course I have "used my own brain" to read the licenses, thought about
the incompatibilities and come to the conclusion that with a bit of good
will on all sides we could probably come up with some legal hacks to
circumvent the issues. And I am also surprized and frustrated that the
communication between ASF and FSF seemed to have been really bad for a
couple of years. And that is really puzzling to me indeed because in my
last 5 years of working with various FSF and GNU projects I have found
people very helpful and cooperative. You seem convinced that the FSF is
some evil entity completely unlike the ASF. But if you just talk to any
GNU hacker or phone the FSF office you will notice that they are real
people that have almost the same concerns as you about how to create an
environment where everybody can run, copy, distribute, study, change and
improve software together without fear of someone trying (through legal
or other means) to disrupt that community. If a mail server goes down
both a GNU and an Apache hacker cry from frustration. There have been
positive signs on both sides. The ASF and FSF seem to finally talk again
and try to explain their reasoning and legal interpretations. And that
is good to see. But rebuilding trust after such a long time of
misunderstandings on both sides about the intentions of the other takes

When we started Harmony we all assumed that the FSF and ASF would talk
out their differences about ASL and GPL in the long run and that we
could and should just start cooperating on the technical level. Why we
are proposing to just use MIT/X for any harmony contribution is just to
get on with business for now. So that all projects wanting to cooperate
could reuse any new work coming out of Harmony. It seemed the simplest
least controversial suggestion that would get us going without needing
to bring up the old ASLv2/GPLv2 flamewars again.

If you and others think we as Harmony community should not do that
during incubation then maybe Apache isn't the place to do this harmony
cooperation for now.



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