On 23.12.2005, at 00:23, Roy T. Fielding wrote:

On Dec 22, 2005, at 10:53 AM, Erik Abele wrote:
On 21.12.2005, at 21:57, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
On Dec 21, 2005, at 11:04 AM, Ted Leung wrote:
How is this possible when any other PMC can vote to bring a project in without approval of the incubator PMC? Just look at the raft of projects being brought in via Geronimo and the WS PMC. There's not a thing I can do, regardless of the merits. The only thing I can say is whether or not their community is good enough to merit graduation.

Right, and that's the only thing you are qualified to do.  You don't
have the right to tell other people what they can or cannot do at
the ASF.  You don't have the right to say that one project is more
deserving of our resources than some other project. What you do have
is the right to be involved, to help their incubation (or not), and
to vote against their graduation if you so desire.

So nobody has the right but you do? Or how can your smack-down of the Tuscany proposal be interpreted?

Because Tuscany was proposed to the incubator PMC (not another PMC)
and I do have a vote here.  In any case, I objected to the proposal
because it was empty of significant content, and removed by objection
once it was filled.  I did not prevent them from working on an
architecture that I still believe to be a waste of time -- I only
made sure that they all agreed on what they wanted to work on,
because I think that is a minimum for any collaboration.

That's all fine and to be honest I didn't expect a detailed answer to my exaggerated question - what I wanted to show is that your authoritative sounding reply to Ted did contain a very conflictive view and I think that might confuse a lot of people:

You don't have the right to tell other people what they can or cannot do at the ASF.


What you do have is the right to vote against their graduation if you so desire.

The second sentence does exactly what the first sentence forbids, no? It tells people what they cannot do at the ASF.

Maybe I'm too picky or this is a language thing, not sure - just wanted to point that out.

Sorry, I may be a pain in the ass, but that's all very conflictive IMHO...

Pay attention to the details.

I do.


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