Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Dec 29, 2005, at 9:58 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

On Dec 27, 2005, at 9:14 PM, David Crossley wrote:

Leo Simons wrote:

Thomas Dudziak wrote:

since I'm rather new to this, I don't have a deep understanding of the
problems you're trying to solve.

None is needed, the problem is very simple.

The problems are not simple, or they would have been solved
years ago. Follow the site-dev discussions from mid-2004.

It seems that the publishing step is the hardest. No matter
what the tool, that step trips people up. It seems that
committers just will not do it. It could perhaps be automated,
however the requirement to check the generated docs into
svn prevents that (need a committer's svn credentials).\

I don't understand. Publshing to me should be "svn commit" after I look at the site with my local browser as a QA step. And yes, committers should be the only ones able to do it.

That is exactly what it is, when using ForrestBot (in fact you don't even have to type "svn commit" since the tool does it for you). The problem is that it requries SVN passwords or user interaction and so can't be part of an automated tool.

What's the "ForrestBot"?  I just want to

The forrestbot is a tool runs Forrest for you it can be run from the command line, via a cron job or via a servlet (i.e. no need to install locally). It will do useful things like send emails on success/failure (useful for periodic staging builds).

a) edit
b) render
c) examine.  if not right, GOTO a)
d) commit
e) deploy

a,c are entirely my choice of tool, so it's easy.

d,e use one standard common tool.  it's easy.

b needs to be simple and easy

The ForrestBot does b, d and e of your, i.e. the three steps that you don't list as "entirely my choice of tool". Although e) can not be done on ASF harware until there is a way such a tool can push the content to the live servers (same problem for all tools). Of course, it can do the preparation work, such as put it in a relevant SVN server for periodic pull deployment to the servers.

The advantage of the forrestbot is that if you have users who edit docs but do not do b through e, then a cron job will reularly run the build and report any problems via email. This also means there is a regularly built staging area for people to independantly do c) without the need to do b).

Couple this with other validation tools that can be set to run on the staging area, e.g. link checkers, accessibility checkers erc. and you have a level of automated validation of your site (we have not yet integrated such tools in the ForrestBot).

It's here, it works now and it is in use in production environments. However, it is not a simple lightweight tool for local use, it still suffers from the "Forrest is too much for our simple site needs" issue. As you will see if you are a site-dev subscriber, I'm not objecting to Leo doing this work, my only concen is the misinformation that is in this thread conerning Forrest.


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