Hey Martijn, guys,

I'd really like to encourage you to take a look at how different
established projects that joined apache through the incubator have
handled this (spamassassin, stdcxx. roller, ofbiz, ...), as well as
some of the discussion about this "releases from incubating projects"
policy and its application that we've had through the years (see the
archives for this mailing list on http://mail-archives.apache.org).

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 04:04:39PM +0200, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
> We are very committed to support our community even when we're
> undergoing incubation. This would typically mean that we might need to
> release Wicket versions. As releases marked as incubated will probably
> raise an eyebrow or two, what are our options?

 * just release marked as incubating, making sure users understand what it
   means or does not mean

 * release elsewhere, making sure to give things an appropriately different
   name and making sure both users and the incubator PMC understand what it
   all means and what is going on

 * don't release a "stable" build during incubation

 * discuss and propose some other alternative that is OK-ed by the
   incubator PMC

 * something I didn't think of

I personally think the first option in the end is the best one. A project moving
to apache and undergoing incubation *should* raise a few eyebrows, and users
*should* wonder what that "incubating" label means and investigate. Chances are,
once they find out, they won't worry all that much.

What it comes down to is that apache, the incubator PMC, our public relations
committee (PRC), and the wicket community in the end probably want roughly
the same thing...namely, what is best for our community(ies). Of course,
apache is a bit of a different beast from an average sourceforge project, with
a few more different communities, with a non-profit foundation, lots of 
and diverse interests to protect, a big and established brand, a trademark or 
to protect, etc etc, so a bunch of differences flow from that.

> On 7/27/06, Leo Simons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Wed, Jul 26, 2006 at 04:54:15PM +0100, Upayavira wrote:
> >> This would involve the need to be able to make releases of 1.2 and 1.3
> >> during incubation, as they have a current user base to serve that is
> >> already using the product.
> >>
> >> The exact manner of producing these releases would need to be clearly
> >> understood by the Wicket team before incubation can start.
> >
> >I'd suggest they read the documentation then :)
> >
> >   http://incubator.apache.org/incubation/Incubation_Policy.html#Releases
> >
> >As far as the incubator is concerned, the neccessity to understand and
> >follow rules & policies for releases is when a release is made, not
> >before incubation starts...




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