Thanks Don! Thanks Upayavira, Alexa, Sylvain, Timothy and the others
that have officially or unofficially championed Wicket. We hope that
Wicket will make a valuable addition to Apache, and we are looking
forward to get to know you guys better when we would be part of the
Apache family.



On 7/26/06, Don Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This has my hearty +1!  This is great news as I've always admired the
framework and the community behind it, and this will further
facilitate the inter-framework discussions we (Struts) has been
periodically having with Wicket.

Let me know of any way I can help,


On 7/26/06, Upayavira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Wicket developers ( have expressed a
> desire to incubate their project within the ASF.
> I personally think that Wicket would fit very well at Apache with its
> flavour of innovation and its strong, meritocracy based community.
> The proposal follows (which can also be found at:
> Regards, Upayavira
> = Wicket Proposal =
> This proposal outlines the creation of a new top-level Wicket project
> within the Apache Software Foundation.
> == Rationale ==
> Wicket is a unique web application framework that focusses on bringing
> plain object oriented Java programming to the web tier. It is unique in
> it's focus amongst the (many) web frameworks that exist today. Due to
> it's unmanaged nature and reliance on plain Java, it is a very good
> match for frameworks like OSGi and Eclipse RSP. Wicket has been gaining
> a very steady increase in popularity, and with two books coming out and
> vastly improved new releases we are working on, we expect this trend to
> continue. We consider moving to Apache being an additional boost, and we
> hope it will open the way for possible future cooperation with other
> Apache projects.
> The maintainers of Wicket are interested in joining the Apache Software
> Foundation for several reasons:
>  * Apache has a widely recognized name, which will help Wicket get an
> increased visibility and acceptance.
>  * We'd like to enjoy the benefits of utilizing Apache's infrastructure
> and legal protection.
>  * Most team members have been enthusiastic users of Apache software for
> many years and would like to be part of the family with it's get
> togethers etc.
>  * It might open the door for cooperation with other projects, such as
> Felix or Jetspeed.
>  * Apache seems to attract great communities around its projects, we
> hope joining Apache will help as make our growing community even bigger.
>  * We hope to contribute to Apache's ongoing success by delivering an
> innovative, dynamic project with an enthusiastic user base.
> == Criteria ==
> === Community ===
> Wicket has striven to foster a diverse community that is open to
> everyone. It is released
> under a non-reciprocal license (Apache License 2.0) to encourage the
> maximum possible adoption by all
> potential users and developers. The Wicket community encourages
> suggestions and
> contributions from any potential user, and more developers have joined
> as contributors
> since the project's inception in 2004.
> === Meritocracy ===
> Wicket was originally created by Jonathan Locke in April 2004. Then it
> was taken over in September 2004 by Eelco Hilenius, Johan Compagner and
> Martijn Dashorst. Chris Turner and Juergen Donnerstag were invited to
> join that same week based on their contributions and discussions. The
> project now has committers and users from around the world, and Jonathan
> Locke is back with the project again. The newer committers of the
> project joined in subsequent years by initially submitting patches, then
> having commit privileges for some of the applications (wicket-stuff),
> and then privileges over a larger range of applications. The project
> members understand the importance of letting motivated individuals
> contribute to the project after they have proven themselves.
> == Scope of Sub projects ==
> Wicket is distributed as one large subversion tree, but contains several
> distinct parts: the core framework, a couple of extensions project that
> are endorsed by the core developers, an examples project (which includes
> a component reference), a quick start project and a developer sandbox.
> One of the extensions projects, called wicket-extensions, has a dual
> purpose. The first is to ensure the core project does not get too large,
> while still having a place to put interesting components and utility
> classes. The second purpose of that project is to provide a place where
> components can prove themselves before potentially graduating to the
> core project.
> Whilst Wicket has these various subprojects, access to the subversion
> tree is maintained with a single ACL. Once voted in as a committer, an
> individual will have access to the entire tree, and trust is used to
> ensure that they only touch the parts of the tree that they are
> knowledgeable enough to change.
> == Features ==
> Wicket is a Java web application framework that takes simplicity,
> separation of concerns and ease of development to a whole new level.
> Wicket pages can be mocked up, previewed and later revised using
> standard WYSIWYG HTML design tools. Dynamic content processing and form
> handling is all handled in Java code using a first-class component model
> backed by POJO data beans that can easily be persisted using your
> favorite technology.
> == Initial Source ==
> The source for Wicket that is to be imported is currently within the
> Wicket project at SourceForge, and is all ASL2.0 licensed.
> == Resources to be Created ==
>  * user, dev, private and Announce mailing lists.
>  * Copy current subversion code, and create a commits mailing list.
>  * Copy Sourceforge issues into Apache system, if possible
>  * Confluence Wiki.
> == Potential Issues ==
> These are a few details of how incubation will need to work in order to
> maintain compatability for existing users whilst moving forwards to
> adopt an Apache approach for newer code.
> === Versions ===
> Wicket currently has three versions of their code base, 1.2 (the current
> release), 1.3 (planned) and 2.0 (unreleased).
> We would like to keep all three versions on the same infrastructure, and
> would thus like to bring all three versions over to Apache.
> This would involve the need to be able to make releases of 1.2 and 1.3
> during incubation, as they have a current user base to serve that is
> already using the product.
> The exact manner of producing these releases would need to be clearly
> understood by the Wicket team before incubation can start.
> === Package Naming ===
> Wicket Java code uses the wicket.* package hierarchy. At this point, we
> would propose that code in versions 1.2 and 1.3 would switch to ASF
> servers, but maintain the wicket.* namespace, but code in 2.0 would
> switch to an org.apache.wicket.* namespace.
> Anything else would cause an unnecessary disruption to our users.
> == Other Potential Concerns ==
> === Likelihood of Becoming an Orphaned Product ===
> Assuming an "orphaned product" is one that arrives at the Apache
> Incubator and then slowly dies before being ready to incubate, Wicket is
> unlikely to fit into this category.
> The Wicket code is currently used and maintained by the authors and
> others, who depend
> on it for their livelihood. Continued development of Wicket continues on
> a daily basis. Statistics can be found here:
>, where
> the commit statistic form a sub view:
> === Experience with Open Source ===
> Most of the developers have been actively involved in multiple other
> open source projects for years (jakarta regex, Eclipse plugins,
> jWebUnit, Subclipse, SquirrelSql, JetSpeed, etc). But for all of the
> developers the involvement in Wicket currently is the major one.
> === Heterogenous Developers ===
> The developers are diverse, both geographically and in terms of their
> employers. Of our 12 committers, no more than two work for the same
> employer.
>  * Jonathan Locke is from the US and is involved in various startups as
> a software engineer and co-owner, and pursues a movie script writing career.
>  * Eelco Hillenius is from the Netherlands but is in the process of
> moving to the US (Seattle/ San Francisco). He currently is employed
> through his own company, Code Droid, but will be working for Teachscape
> Inc. from October on as a software engineer.
>  * Martijn Dashorst is from The Netherlands and works for Topicus as a
> software engineer
>  * Johan Compagner is from The Netherlands and is an independent
> consultant for its own company J-COM (regularly hired by Topicus) and is
> working at a company Servoy that also uses wicket technology in its core.
>  * Igor Vaynberg is from the USA working as a software engineer for
> Teachscape Inc.
>  * Juergen Donnerstag is from Germany and works for EDS as an IT Architect.
>  * Gwyn Evans is from the UK and works for SmartTrust as a Solution
> Consultant
>  * Janne Hietamäki is from Finland and works for Cemron (that also uses
> wicket technology in its core) as a technical director
>  * Matej Knopp is from The Slovak Republic is a CS student and works for
> EEA as a software engineer
>  * Ate Douma is from The Netherlands as a software engineer
>  * Jan Blok is from The Netherlands and works for Servoy as a software
> engineer
>  * Chris Turner is from the UK and works as an independent consultant.
> He does not intend to move with us to Apache.
> In addition, there are other contributors from France, Germany, Spain,
> the UK, US, Canada, Brazil, India, Japan, China, Iran, and various other
> countries.
> All contributors come from a software background, but we - informally -
> have some different tasks. For instance, Martijn is in charge of the
> releases, Gwyn of maintaining the WIKI and possibly more site related
> things and Jonathan provides regular code reviews. But any one of the
> team has committed code, and may do so.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> None of the developers rely on Wicket for consulting work, though two -
> Martijn and Eelco -  are writing Wicket In Action (publisher Manning) in
> their spare time. Most of the developers use Wicket for their day jobs,
> some for multiple projects, and will do so for a considerable while as
> their companies (specifically Topicus, Cemron and Teachscape) choose
> Wicket as their development framework of choice.
> === Ties to other Apache Products ===
> Wicket uses Jakarta Commons Logging and Log4j and adopted some code from
> Jakarta Commons Upload. It uses Maven for it's build process. Wicket
> tries to stay as lean as possible though.
> === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> The ASF has a strong brand, and that brand is in itself attractive.
> However, the developers of Wicket have been quite successful on their
> own and could continue on that path with no problems at all. We are
> interested in joining the ASF in order to increase our contacts and
> visibility in the open source world. Furthermore, we have been
> enthusiastic users of Apache from the earliest hour (remember JServ
> anyone?), and feel honored at getting the opportunity to join the club.
> == Committers ==
>  * Jonathan Locke
>  * Eelco Hillenius
>  * Johan Compagner
>  * Martijn Dashorst
>  * Juergen Donnerstag
>  * Igor Vaynberg
>  * Gwyn Evans
>  * Matej Knopp
>  * Janne Hietamäki
>  * Ate Douma
>  * Jan Blok
> == Proposed Apache Sponsor ==
> Incubator PMC
> == Champions ==
>  * Upayavira
>  * Alex Karasulu
>  * Sylvain Wallez
> == Mentors ==
>  * Upayavira
>  * Alex Karasulu
>  * Sylvain Wallez
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