On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 02:54:35AM +0800, Niclas Hedhman wrote:
> Is [stuff] against the 'spirit of incubation', or some other guideline, rule
> or principle?

Sorry about taking this way out of context, but its a relevant question. The
back-and-forth in this thread is pretty much about a somewhat vague aspect
(as opposed to licensing which is easy and for wicket will be straightforward),
namely "community building". What we want to see when a project is finished
with this whole incubator thing is a healthy apache-style (whatever that
means; the /foundation/ site provides a reasonable idea these days) community,
and when we're looking at a new "top-level" project that community also has to
be largely "self-sufficient" and definitely "self-governing".

Its a very "people thing", this whole community business. When people like me
or Justin (sorry for putting words in your mouth mate) write recommendations or
suggestions a lot of it all is based on some kind of "vague" experience with it
all. Its not like the world would explode if one would deviate from the
specifics; as long as the general direction is ok. And that's where the mentors
come in :)

What we need here is evidence that all the people involved are willing to do
all the extra work and perhaps bite through a few sour apples. Incubation is
not easy and takes a load of effort of the project community and probably slows
down quite a few things in the short term (eg there won't be a book coming out
in October about "Apache Wicket 2.0", whereas a book on simply "Wicket 2.0" in
October might or might not make sense (don't ask me I don't know that much
about wicket)). The wicket guys need to know what they're committing to (and

Its a little bit itchy to read about "complying with rules" or about "who
decides". When you get right down to it, legally, the person who decides is the
VP. And I can count on the fingers of 0 hands how many times he laid down the
law here in incubator land!



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