I haven't followed the entire thread, but this sounds like what we did in Cayenne. And it did cause some misunderstanding at times regarding our intentions. Let's try to prevent similar misunderstanding in the case of Wicket.

The quoted explanation seems quite reasonable to me, except that I would suggest to feature-freeze what you have on your dev branch, make a final release, and from that point only make bugfix releases from that branch (outside Apache) to encourage users to switch to Apache version. This way the old branch will still be "supported". But none of the users should expect that the new features will be ported back to the old releases.


On Jul 30, 2006, at 6:53 PM, Gwyn Evans wrote:

It might be a question of degree, as while the intention is that the
primary development be in the 2.0 branch, there is a roadmap for the
1.* branch that includes a 1.3 which might be viewed as having "new
features", to support the "old community" which may not be in a
position to switch to the 2.0 branch, as that will be a non-trivial

That's the release branch that I'm concerned about, and my concern is
that the above, taken literally, could be read as a suggestion to
abandon our existing users...

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