Craig L Russell wrote:
Hi Carl,

On May 30, 2007, at 6:14 AM, Carl Trieloff wrote:

One more question on this topic as I have also seen differing views from different members of the Incubator PMC on: "Who can and who can not send the account setup mail to root?"

Given each new committer vote will have 3 PMC votes, why does a mentor have to send the account setup to root? Why can't the mail to root just contain a link to the vote result with 3 PMC members on it from the general list?

This is a question that I believe only infrastructure can answer. The issue is that right now, "root" has to respond only to emails from PMC chairs, and it's easy to verify that it's really the PMC chair sending the request.

Some PMC members have the view that any PPMC member should be able to send the account setup to root to learn the system, others say it has to be a mentor. Cliff has kindly taken care of most of these mail for us so far so this is more theoretical, however having clarity on this in the document would also be good as I have wondered about the reasoning behind this practice. If the mail to root has to be cc-ed to general list and PPMC and has 3 PMC votes on it then it would seem to me that it could be send by anyone.

If anyone can send the request, then "root" has to do more work by verifying the vote thread, following the link provided in the message, to make sure that the request is valid.

I agree that it's better for the PPMC members themselves to be able to make the request to root, but I'd have to leave it up to infrastructure to decide if they can handle it.


Thanks, that is a meaningful/practical reason.

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