Hi Jean,

On May 30, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Jean T. Anderson wrote:

Craig L Russell wrote:
Hi Carl,

On May 30, 2007, at 6:14 AM, Carl Trieloff wrote:

One more question on this topic as I have also seen differing views
from different members of the Incubator PMC on: "Who can and who can
not send the account setup mail to root?"

Given each new committer vote will have 3 PMC votes, why does a
mentor have to send the account setup to root? Why can't the mail to root just contain a link to the vote result with 3 PMC members on it
from the general list?

This is a question that I believe only infrastructure can answer. The
issue is that right now, "root" has to respond only to emails from PMC chairs, and it's easy to verify that it's really the PMC chair sending
the request.

In the general PMC case, "root" responds to requests from PMC members:
"The project PMC needs to send an email to root at apache.org requesting a new account to be created" [1]. It says "project PMC" not "project PMC

Thanks for the correction. I need to remind myself to read the entire documentation every time, and not rely on memory. ;-)

But I think the issue is that PPMCs aren't real PMCs,


so for the
Incubator the request should come from a mentor.

I'd prefer to say that the request must come from an incubator pmc member. But then the ppmc member who is managing the new committer process should ask an incubator pmc member to make the root request, and that incubator pmc member would naturally but not necessarily be one of the podling's mentors.



[1] http://www.apache.org/dev/pmc.html#newcommitter

Some PMC members have the view that any PPMC member should be able to send the account setup to root to learn the system, others say it has to be a mentor. Cliff has kindly taken care of most of these mail for us so far so this is more theoretical, however having clarity on this
in the document would also be good as I have  wondered about the
reasoning behind this practice. If the mail to  root has to be cc-ed
to general list and PPMC  and has 3 PMC votes  on it then it would
seem to me that it could be send by anyone.

If anyone can send the request, then "root" has to do more work by
verifying the vote thread, following the link provided in the message,
to make sure that the request is valid.

I agree that it's better for the PPMC members themselves to be able to make the request to root, but I'd have to leave it up to infrastructure
to decide if they can handle it.



Craig L Russell wrote:

Having seen this identical discussion at least half a dozen times,
I've committed changes to the guides/ppmc document removing the
distracting (P) from the discussion on new committers.

The new text says

Only votes cast by Incubator PMC members are binding. If the vote is
positive, and the contributor accepts the responsibility of a
committer for the project, the contributor formally becomes an
Apache committer. An Incubator PMC member should then follow the
documented procedures to complete the process, and CC both the
Incubator PMC and the PPMC when sending the necessary e-mails to root.

I included the redundant "Incubator" in "Incubator PMC" simply to
reinforce Noel's comment that PMC means Incubator PMC.


On May 29, 2007, at 8:49 PM, Noel J. Bergman wrote:

Yoav Shapira wrote:

I voted +0, not having had time to review the proposed committer's

+1 != +0

I always thought (and the documentation at
http://incubator.apache.org/guides/ppmc.html) says PPMC votes are

It says (P), and the (P) clearly does not belong.  Notice that
elsewhere it
properly says PPMC, with no (), and the places that are wrong were
PMC to
which someone added (P).  Likewise "IPMC" should simply be PMC.
There is
only one PMC: the Incubator PMC.

I don't know how to say this more clearly.  The PPMC is not a
entity in the ASF Bylaws.  The PMC is the legal entity, and only
PMC votes
count in any ASF project.  PPMC members should still vote, as can
members of the community, but as a legal matter, only PMC votes are
This is not Incubator policy, it is how the ASF works.

It is the same in Jakarta, for example, where any Jakarta Committer
isn't on the PMC can vote, but only Jakarta PMC votes count.  For
people didn't understand this, but please understand that Jakarta
is the
source of many of the wrong and bad practices in ASF projects that
didn't go
through either the HTTP Server project or the Incubator.

the documentation link above is out of date.

It was never "in date".  It is wrong, regardless of date.

    --- Noel

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