Craig L Russell wrote:
> Hi Jean,
> On May 30, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Jean T. Anderson wrote:
>> Craig L Russell wrote:
>>> Hi Carl,
>>> On May 30, 2007, at 6:14 AM, Carl Trieloff wrote:
>>>> One more question on this topic as I have also seen differing views
>>>> from different members of the Incubator PMC on:  "Who can and  who  can
>>>> not send the account setup mail to root?"
>>>> Given each new committer vote will have 3 PMC votes, why does a
>>>> mentor have to send the account setup to root? Why can't the  mail  to
>>>> root just contain a link to the vote result with 3 PMC members   on it
>>>> from the general list?
>>> This is a question that I believe only infrastructure can answer. The
>>> issue is that right now, "root" has to respond only to emails  from  PMC
>>> chairs, and it's easy to verify that it's really the PMC chair   sending
>>> the request.
>> In the general PMC case, "root" responds to requests from PMC members:
>> "The project PMC needs to send an email to root at  requesting
>> a new account to be created" [1]. It says "project PMC" not  "project PMC
>> chair".
> Thanks for the correction. I need to remind myself to read the entire 
> documentation every time, and not rely on memory. ;-)

I don't know of anyone who has committed all apache docs to memory -- I
sure haven't. :-)  The only reason I'm attentive to this detail is as a
pmc chair myself I don't want account requests to be held up just
because I don't happen to be around.

>> But I think the issue is that PPMCs aren't real PMCs,
> Right.
>> so for the
>> Incubator the request should come from a mentor.
> I'd prefer to say that the request must come from an incubator pmc 
> member. 

yes; I think what matters to root is that the request is made from
somebody formally on the PMC, which makes this somebody easily verified
by checking
. Just like most of us haven't committed all apache docs to memory, root
won't have committed the list of who is on which PMC to memory. We want
to make it easy for root to process that account request.


> But then the ppmc member who is managing the new committer
> process should ask an incubator pmc member to make the root request, 
> and that incubator pmc member would naturally but not necessarily be 
> one of the podling's mentors.
> Craig

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