Well, let me put it this way: it would be kinda dumb to run our
public wiki site on another wiki engine. ;-)

Dumb? So we must already be dumb, then, to be running other things like JVMs
that don't come from the ASF, rather than our own.

Nonono, what I meant was that it would be odd to have www.jspwiki.org running on Confluence or Moin Moin - it would look like we are not eating our own dog food.

It's not at all clear from that list that those are wikis and not just
regular web sites. Does JSPWiki have an auto-export capability, like
Confluence does, so that pages can be offloaded to static resources, instead
of hitting the wiki all the time?

All of the resources listed are wikis (except, obviously, the mailing list. Even the blog is a wiki, though it is not open to the general public to edit). There is an external tool which allows a full or subset of files to be turned into static HTML resources, if necessary, but we do not currently provide one ourselves.

You'll need a dedicated team of people, not just one person, that is
committed to doing this on an ongoing basis.

Very true. Being a "hobby project" has allowed us to be somewhat lenient towards things like web site availability (though having said that, we have two maintainers in two timezones, and in general our downtimes happen only when we upgrade something). This is one of the questions highlighted in our proposal, and help from the ASF is needed towards resolving these - I can't tell you how to run your services :-)


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