
Sorry - I misunderstood your point. I would be very happy to limit the
number of INITIAL committers! Yes +1.
I just don't think that placing limits on new committers who are nominated
by merit during incubation is right.


On 10/31/07, Bertrand Delacretaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/31/07, Paul Fremantle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...if
> > we explicitly try to *limit* participation in a project then we are
> doing
> > two things:
> > 1. Discouraging involvement - the opposite of the aim of the incubator
> > 2. Ruling out meritocracy - making it harder for some people to become
> > committers than others - the opposite of the aim of the ASF....
> I tend to agree to your view, but I don't get point 2 above.
> Getting committership when a new incubating project comes is makes it
> *very easy* for people to become ASF committers: they basically just
> have to be on the list of initial committers. And they stay there even
> if they do nothing for the project.
> By limiting the number of committers from the same organization when a
> project enter incubation, we might force the organization to select
> the best people to drive the project, and others would have to enter
> the normal way, with the project's mentors having their say.
> It does make it harder for those people excluded from the initial list
> to enter the project, but not harder than for any other potential
> committer. So I would think that's fair, and that might help community
> diversity in incubating projects, even if that means a longer
> incubation time.
> That limit might also be a ratio: if a projects enters incubation with
> 10 committers from the same company and 10 independent existing apache
> committers, fine. But a large non-diverse list of initial committers
> sounds wrong to me.
> -Bertrand
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Paul Fremantle
Co-Founder and VP of Technical Sales, WSO2


"Oxygenating the Web Service Platform",

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