Daniel Kulp wrote:
Actually, there is a "reverse" issue.... It also makes it quite difficult for people to help with UIMA if they are also contributors to other projects that DO use the normal svn settings, Eclipse or not. For example, lets pretend for a moment that I'm a Windows user that uses eclipse and contributes to several Apache projects. My svn is setup properly so any .java files I add are eol-style:native, etc... I then am voted in as a committer to UIMA due to some awesome work I've done. Do I need to maintain completely different svn settings when working on UIMA so that I don't add files in "windows" format?


Dan, you've got me on the .java files, but you'll never convince me
that the default settings for .bat and .sh files are a good idea.  Nor
for .txt, for that matter.  This is all very well for some English readme
files, but if you work with text as data, and exotic code pages, you don't
want your data repository to go in and manipulate your data.  All hell
breaks loose, I've been there.

Anyway, as I said, if your hypothetical developer becomes real, we
can work this out I'm sure.


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