
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Leif Hedstrom<l...@yahoo-inc.com> wrote:
> Good evening,
> As you know, we've been preparing our proposal to submit Traffic Server to
> the Incubator for a few weeks now. With the help from our champion (thanks
> Doug!), and the entire Incubator community, it's my pleasure to submit a
> request for Traffic Server to be accepted into the Incubator. The proposal
> is attached below, and is also available on the Wiki:
>  http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/TrafficServerProposal
> Since our first draft, we've added a number of mentors and contributors, and
> also added and improved on the proposal. I would like this to be considered
> our official application, and that the Incubator votes (+ or -) on our
> acceptance as a podling.
> Sincerely,
> -- leif
> Traffic Server
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Abstract
> Traffic Server is fast, scalable and extensible HTTP/1.1 compliant caching
> proxy server.
>     Proposal
> The goal is to create an Apache top level project to Open Source the
> existing Yahoo! Traffic Server code. Traffic Server (TS for short) is used
> in-house to deliver significant amount of HTTP traffic to millions of users.
> Key Features:
>   *
>     HTTP/1.1 caching proxy server
>   *
>     Scalable on SMP (TS is a hybrid thread + event processor)
>   *
>     Extensible: TS has a feature rich plugin API
>   *
>     Fast
>     Background
> Traffic Server is a piece of software initially acquired by Yahoo! from
> Inktomi. The software has been actively developed and used at Yahoo for the
> last three years, and we're now getting ready to Open Source this project.
>     Rationale
> Traffic Server fills a need for a fast, extensible and scalable HTTP proxy
> and caching. We have a production proven piece of software that can deliver
> HTTP traffic at high rates, and can scale well on modern SMP hardware. We
> have benchmarked Traffic Server to handle in excess of 35,000 RPS on a
> single box. Traffic Server has a rich feature set, implementing most of
> HTTP/1.1 to the RFC specifications.
>     Initial goals
> The initial goal is to build a community of developers and users of the
> Traffic Server software. Longer term goal is to address a few feature
> additions that we think are beneficial:
>   *
>     Full 64-bit support
>   *
>     Porting to more Unix flavors (currently we only support Linux)
>   *
>     Add missing features, e.g., CARP, HTCP, ESI and native IPv6
>   *
>     Incremental improvements to existing features, and performance
>     Current Status
>       Meritocracy
> Building our developer community using the meritocracy is important to the
> success of Traffic Server. We know there are many developers out there
> interested in the technology, and the meritocracy system is a great way to
> encourage participation.
>       Community
> Our hope is that our existing code, features and capabilities will attract a
> large community of both developers and users. We know that several
> developers who have previously worked on the code, are looking forward to
> participating in the Open Source efforts. We also believe that other
> organizations will find this project interesting and relevant, and
> contribute resources.
> The user community of Traffic Server would be similar to that of the Apache
> HTTP server, and in many cases they would overlap.
>       Core Developers
>   *
>     Leif Hedstrom <leif at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Bryan Call <bcall at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Vijaya Bhaskar Mamidi <vmamidi at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Steve Jiang <sjiang at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Dima Ruban <dima at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Anirban Kundu <akundu at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Andrew Hsu <andrewhs at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Eric Balsa <eric at ericbalsa.com
>   *
>     BalaKrishna <http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/BalaKrishna> JD
>     <balakrishnajd at yahoo.com>
>       Alignment
> Yahoo! is already a contributor to the Apache Foundation. We are already
> familiar with the ASF process, and we know it provides everything we need
> and require to be successful. We also feel there is a natural symbiotic
> relationship between Traffic Server and the Apache HTTP server, which is how
> TS is generally used at Yahoo!. The Traffic Server team is also in the same
> organization as the Yahoo! Hadoop developers, which is already an Apache
> TLP.
>     Known Risks
>       Orphaned Products
> Traffic Server is widely used and deployed inside of Yahoo!. It's not going
> away anytime soon; in fact, it's growing fast.
>       Inexperience with Open Source
> All Yahoo! participants are active users and contributors to Open Source
> projects. Leif is a committer at Mozilla (although no longer active),
> creator of PerLDAP, as well as creator of a Yahoo! search API (pYsearch).
> Bryan Call is the creator of cksfv, and contributor to lmsensor. Dima Ruban
> has been an active developer in the FreeBSD project.
>       Homogeneous Developers
> The current list of committers are mostly members of the Yahoo! developer
> team, but we are actively recruiting other developers. The hope is that we
> can quickly attract more members, either people just interested in the
> technology, or people familiar with the code base from previous employment.
>       Reliance on Salaried Developers
> Most initial committers are salaried employees of Yahoo!, but we are
> actively recruiting non-yahoo team members.
>       Relationships with Other Apache Products
> Traffic Server integrates well with the Apache HTTP daemon, as a proxy and
> cache.
>       An excessive fascination with the Apache brand
> Our decision to apply to the ASF is simple. Y! has already contributed
> several projects to the ASF, and the Apache collaboration model and license
> further Yahoo!'s goals.
>       Trade Mark
> Traffic Server is currently a trademark owned by Yahoo! in four
> jurisdictions: Australia, Japan, Norway and the United States. The
> registrations in Japan and the U.S. are set to expire this year (2009). The
> registration in Australia is set to expire at the end of May 2010. That
> leaves the registration in Norway which is set to expire in March 2019.
> Two proposals are on the table: The first solution is to simply assign all
> rights, title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC SERVER mark including the
> four active registrations to ASF (though we'd probably want to make this
> contingent on TS graduating from the incubator). Our second possible option
> is to provide ASF with a letter of assurance stating that we own all right,
> title and interest in and to the TRAFFIC SERVER mark and the four active
> registrations and that we will not take any action against ASF or any of its
> licensees during the life of these registrations (and we'd express our
> intention of letting them lapse and expire).
>     Documentation
> TS comes with both an Administration Guide and a Developer Guide. Work will
> begin soon to improve this documentation, and the hope is to move it to our
> podling web site once activated.
>     Initial Source
> All code is currently in-house at Yahoo!, and we're working on getting it
> cleaned up and cleared to be uploaded to the Apache SVN servers.
>     Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> All TS code is fully owned by Yahoo! Inc, and we're finalizing all the legal
> paperwork around releasing it as Open Source, under the Apache license.
> We've hired an external company to do full code review of all source files,
> to assure it's not tainted. The sanitized code of Yahoo! Traffic Server
> would become the Apache Traffic Server.
>     External Dependencies
> Traffic Server has no external dependencies, other than standard libraries
> like BDB, OpenSSL, TCL, STL, glibc and expat.
>     Cryptography
> Traffic Server uses OpenSSL to implement HTTPS support. There is no other
> cryptographic code in the source tree.
>     Required Resources
>       Mailing lists
>   *
>     trafficserver-private (with moderated subscriptions)
>   *
>     trafficserver-dev
>   *
>     trafficserver-commits
>   *
>     trafficserver-user
>       Subversion Directory
> [WWW] https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/trafficserver
>       Issue Tracking
> Bugzilla: Traffic Server
>     Initial Committers
> We have two categories of committers: TS code developers and contributors
> working primarily on documentation and community development. Everyone below
> would need initial committers privileges.
> Yahoo developers:
>   *
>     Leif Hedstrom <leif at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Bryan Call <bcall at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Vijaya Bhaskar Mamidi <vmamidi at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Steve Jiang <sjiang at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Dima Ruban <dima at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Anirban Kundu <akundu at yahoo-inc.com>
>   *
>     Andrew Hsu <andrewhs at yahoo-inc.com>
> Non-Yahoo developers:
>   *
>     Eric Balsa <eric at ericbalsa.com>
>   *
>     BalaKrishna <http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/BalaKrishna> JD
>     <balakrishnajd at yahoo.com>
> Product management, documentation and community support:
>   *
>     Miles Libbey <mlibbeymail-apache at yahoo.com>
>   *
>     Ray Rivera <rayriver @ yahoo-inc.com>
>     Affiliations
> Many of the initial developers are employed by Yahoo!. Yahoo! is also an
> active user of the Traffic Server software.
>     Sponsors
>       Champion
>   *
>     Doug Cutting <dcutting at yahoo-inc.com>
>       Nominated Mentors
>   *
>     Doug Cutting
>   *
>     Jim Jagielski
>   *
>     Jean-Frederic Clere
>   *
>     Mladen Turk
>   *
>     Nick Kew
>       Sponsoring Entity
>   *
>     The Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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