ok, my bad, you can just define the tag when performing the release
using maven, it does not have to be the same as the version. So you
can set the version to 2.0.5-incubating and the tag to
2.0.5-incubating-rc1. So when the release proceeds we can just copy
over that last rc to the final ant promote the 'staged' files.

If we need another release and vote I will create an rc tag.

Thanks for the pointer,

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 1:03 AM, sebb<seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 01/09/2009, Francis De Brabandere <franci...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 5:46 PM, sebb<seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  >>
>>  >>  > The new release candidate uses exactly the same name for the artifacts
>>  >>  > and the SVN tag.
>>  >>  >
>>  >>  > This makes it very difficult to determine later what was actually 
>> voted on.
>>  >>
>>  >>
>>  >> Hmm, I don't see how this can be changed when using nexus, the Idea
>>  >>  there is to 'stage' a release and avoid it to be sent to the main
>>  >>  maven repo if it is not 100% correct. So for a 2.0.5 to get in there
>>  >>  we need to release as 2.0.5. And if this release fails I see no other
>>  >>  way than to start over using the same tags (renaming failed tag)
>>  >>  I could rename the tags to rc-1, rc-2 but that would not correspond to
>>  >>  the versions used in the pom's.
>>  >>
>>  >>  How do you suggest we do this?
>>  >
>>  > No idea, but at least some other Incubator projects seem to manage
>>  > this OK, as shown by threads here.
>> ok I talked about this on #maven and this is what they came up with
>>  ....
>>  <francisdb> we are using nexus
>>  <struberg> hi francisdb, we are cutting M3-rc1 M3-rc2 etc over at OWB
>>  <struberg> there has been a (reaaaaaly long) discusson on the commons
>>  list on this topic
>>  <struberg> maybe you can check markmail.org for it.
>>  I suppose he is talking about this thread or soem related thread
>>  http://markmail.org/search/?q=commons%20nexus%20staging#query:commons%20nexus%20staging%20list%3Aorg.apache.commons.dev+page:1+mid:bdjkatfcwukxsugn+state:results
>>  <Brian> francisdb, we typically stage rc's for testing but only call
>>  votes on the last one
>>  <Brian> the final version may end up being staged multiple times with
>>  the same version number but using rc's reduces that likelyhood
>>  <francisdb> I see
>>  <francisdb> so your final version tag might be created/deleted a few times
>>  ...
>>  So overwriting the tag should not be a problem as the maven guys are
>>  also doing that. But indeed before calling a vote we might want to
>>  have some rc's inspected to reduce the likelihood of a failing vote
>>  Do you agree with this idea?
> Perhaps you should speak with the Photark developers, as they are
> using SVN tags with RC markers.

they are doing what the maven guys

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