On May 11, 2010, at 3:05 PM, Mike Rheinheimer wrote:
> Sorry, I was incomplete in my explanation.  Regarding the services files,
> the JAX-RS API jar is reading the first line in these files.  I just
> confirmed it again in my build; if I add a # comment as the first line in
> wink-common/src/main/
> resources/META-INF/services/javax.ws.rs.ext.RuntimeDelegate, the JAX-RS API
> reads that first line, and we see errors everywhere.  Of course, we have no
> ability to quickly fix the JAX-RS API code.  Your thoughts?

This is probably a bug in JAX-RS and not something that should block the 
release, though hopefully sun/oracle/whoever will fix it one day.  If it was 
Wink code causing the problem, that should be fixed ASAP, but IMO should not 
block a release.  I think that Apache Geronimo has a few such files that can 
not contain any comments/headers... they are all files like this IIRC.


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