On 7 April 2011 13:49, Edward J. Yoon <edwardy...@apache.org> wrote:
> Please review this again if you have time -
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/hama/branches/0.2/
>  - added "DISCLAIMER.txt" file


The Hama website also needs to include the disclaimer (and apache
should be spelt Apache), and should include the Incubator logo with
link back to the incubator site.

>  - added license header to "conf/log4j.properties".
> ("src/test/log4j.properties" is deleted.)
>  - updated "NOTICE" and "LICENSE" files.

NOTICE file is for *required* notices only.

In particular, other ASF projects should not be listed, though I
suppose if their NOTICE files have required attributions they should
be copied here?

In the case of UmlGraph, it appears that the required notice is as follows:

This product includes UmlGraph http://www.umlgraph.org/
Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Diomidis Spinellis

It's not clear whether the other two 3rd party licenses require
attribution or not, but in any case the license should only be
mentioned in LICENSE.txt

The LICENSE.txt file looks OK, except that the GroboUtils section
refers to "The above copyright notice" - which does not exist.
Is this a copy/paste error? or is it an error in the original
document? It would be useful to include the license URL in LICENSE.txt
(same for the other two)

>  - deleted unused dependencies. ("findbugs" and "xmlenc-0.52.jar")


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