FYI- here's a link to the Harmony proposal:

----- Original Message ----
> From: Joe Schaefer <>
> To:
> Sent: Sun, June 5, 2011 1:01:38 PM
> Subject: Re: OpenOffice: were are we now?
> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Ralph Goers <>
> >  To:
> >  Sent: Sun, June 5, 2011 12:46:31 PM
> > Subject: Re: OpenOffice: were are  we now?
> > 
> > 
> > On Jun 5, 2011, at 8:59 AM, Joe Schaefer  wrote:
> > >>> 
> > >> 
> > >> I posted a  similar  statement yesterday. Personally, I think  the 
> >  >> on this list has settled  down a lot in the last 24  hours  and is now 
> > >> focusing in on topics more relevant  to  this  list. But maybe that is 
> > >> because it was Saturday  :-)
> > > 
> > > Most of the sniping^H^H^H^Hdiscussion has moved  over to the  libreoffice
> > > lists at this point.
> > > 
> > >> What I  am  still waiting to hear on are:
> >  >> 1. The amount of code in the project  that  the grant didn't  give to us
> > >> under the Apache  License.
> > > 
> > > Not a blocker for starting incubation.  IOW we  don't  ask for this level 
> > > detail from other podlings.
> > 
> >  It might  be a blocker for my vote.  You are, of course, free to  vote  
> >differently.
> > This is a much larger project than  usually enters the  incubator. 
> I'm thinking this project is on the  order of scale that Harmony was.
> If I'm off by a factor of at least 10 that  might be worthwhile to know.
> > I'm worried that if the project has too  much of this kind of  work to
> > deal with it will kill the  community.
> > 
> > > 
> > >> 2. The  amount of  work  that will be required to rework dependencies.
> > > 
> >  > Not a blocker for starting incubation. Keep in mind that the podling   
> > > elect to "release" via the libreoffice infrastructure, which  gives  them
> > > the same flexibility wrt licensing issues that we  gave to  subversion
> > > (which to this point has yet to cut a  formal ASF  release).
> > 
> > Same as my point above.  But  your point is well taken that  there may
> > be other ways to achieve  the end goal.  If leveraging LibreOffice  was
> > going to be the  way of doing releases initially then I might expect to
> > see  the  proposal updated to indicate that there is agreement with that
> > community  to  do that.  In the end, to me this is just making sure the
> >  community doesn't  have so many roadblocks that failure is very  likely.
> My attitude is that OOo is coming to the ASF.  Right now we  have a grant, the
> trademark paperwork will be sorted out, and a developer  community is 
> Until we have a podling in place, nothing else in the  ASF is really equipped
> to make timely decisions about OOo.  There are  lots of unknowns for the ASF
> in dealing with OOo, but again we don't have any  mechanism for dealing with
> them until there's a podling to coordinate  from.  If in 6 months time the 
> podling decides to disband, or the IPMC  disbands it by force, so be it.
> Personally I have no idea how my daily  workload will be affected by dealing
> with OOo's infra requirements.  If  it just means dishing out dedicated 
> and setting up end-user  services, that shouldn't present any issues.  OTOH
> staffing a forum with  support service isn't something I'm equipped to deal 
> Either way, I  don't intend to block incubation over it- collectively infra
> will learn to  "cope" with the  change.
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