One piece of advice I've been kicking myself for not offering more
aggressively is this: ask for review before you bother to put up a
candidate for a vote. It's a lot less work.

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 3:47 PM, Robert Burrell Donkin
<> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Joe Schaefer <> wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: Jun Rao <>
>>> To:
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2011 2:13 PM
>>> Subject: concerns about high overhead in Apache incubator releases
>>> Dear Apache members,
>> [...]
>>> 2. Different Apache members have different interpretations of the same rule.
>>> It seems that there is no consensus on some of the basic rules even among
>>> Apache members. For example, what constitutes a source distribution and
>>> what should be put in the NOTICE file? Since all it takes is one negative
>>> vote to block a release, this increases the turnover rate of RCs.
>> NO.  The only time someone can claim to hold a veto over a release vote is
>> when they are jibberjabbering about legal issues.  NOTICE errors really
>> don't risk a lawsuit from anyone, so those -1's are NOT vetoes.
> +1
>> (Now that I've written that, it's possible/probable that someone will offer
>> you
> a different opinion.
> Sadly not today from me :-)
>> What you should do as an incubating participant
>> is challenge any such opinions with a reference to supporting website
>> documentation.)
> +1
> Exceptional cases do turn up from time to time
>> Yes, I share your frustrations with the whole experience here in general.
>> However, IME good and active mentors can mitigate a lot of the problems
>> you face as a podling.  Yes there will be times when we have to argue things
>> out, but that aspect is one of the features of an org that tries to stay
>> flexible and not overrely on an abundance of rules set a long time ago.
> +1
> Robert
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