
I have been a Flash/Actionscript/Flex developer for most of last decade and I 
have a clear invested interested on the Flash platform as a whole because it 
allowed me to do the stuff I wanted quicker and more easily. I won't engage in 
discussions of what is better than what for what, so leave it be.

What I want to say here is that, regardless of whatever interest I have in the 
Flash runtime capabilities, the thing that really makes me want Flex, as an 
open SDK, to move forward is the fact that it can fill a need for a robust and 
mature application development framework that is truly deployable across 
platforms and devices. And for me, that constitutes a very good open source 

I see the current incubation proposal as just the starting point for the next 
phase of Flex's life and it might lead it to be a prime choice for the 
development of rich applications, again, regardless of runtime technology.

Rui Silva

-----Original Message-----
From: Leo Simons [mailto:m...@leosimons.com] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 21 de Dezembro de 2011 14:43
To: general@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Flex for Apache Incubator

Hey folks,

I had to think about this a bunch. We don't have anything like this at apache 

On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:37 PM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 15:30, Raju Bitter <rajubit...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> (..) Adobe Flex is quite different from most Apache projects (...) it 
>> looks like the output of the compiler can only be used with 
>> Adobe-owned proprietary software at the moment. (...)
> As I mentioned above, I don't see this as a problem whatsoever. (...)

Just to pick this apart...

* Flex helps you make apps that target the flash player (or the AIR runtime...)
* There is effectively one implementation of flash player (supporting the v10 
SWFs that come out of flex...)
** which you get from adobe or someone that has an agreement with adobe
** which comes with very restrictive licenses [3]
*** basically you probably can't even *use* it if you want to implement a flash 
player yourself [4].
* This flash player plays SWF files (and FLVs..).
** SWF has an "open spec" that isn't very open at all [1,2].
* Flex does not produce SWF files all by itself. It uses the Flash SDK and the 
AIR SDK (and some other bits)
** which you have to get from adobe and which come with very restrictive 
* Adobe could unilaterally change the license for the flash player, the SWF 
format, and/or the prerequisite SDKs, and flex would become essentially useless.

Analogies to .Net or Java (or oracle databases) don't make much sense to me. 
Instead if I had to come up with an analogy, it would be something like having 
an apache http server that you could only install on windows, and run only if 
you already had IIS, and that would then host websites that you could only view 
if you had internet explorer.

I don't understand why it's useful to have such a project at apache.
But, apparently, a lot of people do want to work on it, and flex is obviously 
useful to a lot of people.

So is there a problem? I guess not. As long as the Apache Flex website makes 
all this clear enough and no-one makes a PR mess out of it or anything like 
that, I don't see any actual problem with the proposal.
I can't say I'm enthusiastic about it, but I don't have to be.



[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWF#Licensing
[2] http://www.adobe.com/devnet/swf.html
[3] http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/eula/flashplayer10.html

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