Inline reply
Please don't take my answers as binding, just trying to provide a bit
more information.

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:
> I'll note the request to move over websites. There are three to discuss.
> - - This site has a login. There may be the impact of 
> supporting a set of user registrations. How many users? Are user 
> registrations important?

There are about 8,000 interacting users on that website, and about
30,000 that are tracked in the database who have interacted with us
via webinars, on site training, etc. I am sure we'd prefer to keep
that information as opposed to ditching it, but there might be privacy
issues that are problematic as well as some practicalities about
moving/handling this, so it's probably not a MUST have, but it
definitely is a we'd REALLY like to keep.

> - - This site uses MindTouch TCS[1] Is this software a 
> requirement? Are there other alternatives? Will volunteers with the necessary 
> skills be included on the initial committers list?

This is not a software requirement - it fit the bill at the time we
deployed it. There are essentially three types of documentation hosted

* Formal documentation such as installation guides, release notes,
etc. Sadly we have a good bit of legacy documentation that's still
generated by products like Word that don't promote collaboration well.
The balance are in Docbook XML.

* Design documents - these are already moving to the confluence site
below, so it's just something we need to finish migratiing.

* Community contributed KB articles - we haven't yet begun rehoming
things here, or even thought about it quite honestly, but should just
be a matter of doing it.

> - - This is at Confluence 4.1.3 
> with 8 Global Spaces while the ASF is held back to 3.4.9. How critical is the 
> version of Confluence?

To my knowledge, there is no version-specific dependencies.

> More discussion of Apache Infrastructure requirements and the work the PPMC 
> will need to do to make the transition happen would help. This is something 
> that was not well explored for

So let me toss another potential issue.
For several months we've been slowly working on migrating from
Bugzilla (ancient version 3.4.4) to Jira (v4.4.4). That is currently
planned to happen in the short term, but I am wondering if perhaps
that should halt. One of the functions of the planned migration was to
sanitize the data as Bugzilla has non-public Citrix customer contained
in the database. That said if moving from 4.4.4 to 4.1 (I think that's
the version ASF is using) is to painful, we need to halt that plan.

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