On May 23, 2012, at 10:48 PM, Patrick Hunt wrote:

> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:36 PM, Ralph Goers
> <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
>> On May 23, 2012, at 10:15 PM, Benson Margulies wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Ralph Goers
>>> <ralph.go...@dslextreme.com> wrote:
>>>> Right after I read Jukka's email that started this thread and I posted my 
>>>> reply and discovered to my shock that they had started a graduation vote.  
>>>> I am shocked because I have pointed out repeatedly the project's complete 
>>>> lack of diversity.  Virtually all the active PMC members and committers 
>>>> work for the same employer.  I have told them several times that I would 
>>>> actually like to participate in the project but the way the project works 
>>>> is very different then every other project I am involved with at the ASF 
>>>> and the barriers to figure out what is actually going on is very high. 
>>>> Almost nothing is discussed directly on the dev list - it is all done 
>>>> through Jira issues or the Review tool.  While all the Jira issue updates 
>>>> and reviews are sent to the dev list most of that is just noise.  Feel 
>>>> free to review the dev list archives to see what I am talking about.
>>> I don't follow flume, but I'd propose to soften your objection only
>>> slightly. I've met other groups of people who like a JIRA centric view
>>> of the world. I suspect that if they did a bunch of other good things
>>> called out below, you or others would find the JIRA business
>>> digestible. Also, on the other hand, I fear that the co-employed
>>> contributors are collaborating in the hallway, and the lack of the
>>> context in JIRA or on the list is contributing to the problem.
>> I have reason to doubt the collaboration in the hallway aspect and I 
>> certainly do not doubt everyone's good intent.  I'm not objecting to the 
>> collaboration style as an issue preventing graduation. I'm just saying I 
>> find it difficult to participate with that style and that simply makes me 
>> wonder if that is making it harder to attract new committers.  I fully 
>> realize that that issue might just be with me, but the fact remains that 
>> there is practically no diversity in the project and I cannot in good 
>> conscience recommend graduation for a project in that situation.
> Hi Ralph, Benson, et. al., some background:
> Flume is similar to Hadoop and other related projects in that it is
> very jira heavy for development activity. No slouch in terms of
> mailing list traffic either though (1200 last month):
> http://flume.markmail.org/

Sorry I didn't include this in my prior post but here you are making my point 
exactly.  I participate in several other Apache projects. Wading through 1200+ 
emails per month that are largely Jira/Review noise makes it very difficult for 
me to find posts that have any value. As a consequence I am largely forced to 
simply delete everything generated by he Review tool and Jira.  And I'm a 
mentor. I just don't see how newcomers are going to find this style welcoming.


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