According to Clutch [1] the project has added 8 committers since it
entered incubation. Regarding diversity, committers from over four
organizations are actively involved in Flume development, which is
pretty healthy. There does seem to be a need to have more diversity at
the PPMC level, however, so that's something that could be worked on.



On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 2:06 PM, Dave Fisher <> wrote:
> On May 24, 2012, at 11:49 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:
>> On May 24, 2012, at 10:40 AM, Arvind Prabhakar wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 12:19 AM, Ralph Goers 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> The ONLY issue I see for Flume to graduate is diversity.  No one will
>>>> convince me that the current makeup constitutes diversity of any kind.
>>>> Perhaps I shouldn't have brought up the mailing list issues as that was
>>>> only meant in the spirit of trying to offer some advice on how more
>>>> diversity could be achieved.  Flume is really the only community I
>>>> participate in that contains Cloudera employees so I do find myself
>>>> wondering if the way the project is run is because that is the way all
>>>> projects with a large number of Cloudera employees are run.  That might
>>>> make all of those participants comfortable but might create a barrier to
>>>> others.
>>> Here are the committers who have been active in the past three months:
>>> * Brock Noland (Cloudera)
>>> * Hari Shreedharan  (Cloudera)
>>> * Jarek Jarcec Cecho (AVG Technologies)
>>> * Juhani Connolly   (CyberAgent)
>>> * Mike Percy (Cloudera)
>>> * Mingjie Lai (Trend Micro)
>>> * Prasad Mujumdar (Cloudera)
>>> * Will McQueen (Cloudera)
>>> * Arvind Prabhakar (Cloudera)
>>> There are four companies represented in this list: AVG Technologies,
>>> Cloudera, CyberAgent and Trend Micro. Compared to other projects that have
>>> successfully graduated from Incubator in the past, this meets the diversity
>>> requirements very well.
>> I was mistaken and the list above is indeed correct.  For some reason I 
>> thought a couple of them had become Cloudera employees.
>> However, none of those three are currently on the PPMC.  When you look at 
>> the PPMC list you should also include a few more Cloudera people who do 
>> participate in release votes and PPMC issues. Most, if not all, of the 
>> non-Cloudera PMC members don't.
> I started reading some of the Flume website and I think that when you go to 
> the main Wiki page:
> When you click on the "Flume Cookbook" the resource is at
> This page lists "" and is a file with a revision dated 
> May 7, 2012.
> You can make you own conclusions, but it looks like podling resources need to 
> be migrated to the ASF.
> Regards,
> Dave
>>>> In any case - I'm not insisting that the way the project is run needs to
>>>> change. I'm simply saying I cannot support graduation with the current
>>>> makeup of the committers and PMC. I don't have a hard and fast ratio -
>>>> gaining 10 new unaffiliated committers who don't do much isn't nearly as
>>>> good as 2 or 3 who are very active.  Ultimately the project needs to figure
>>>> out how to solve this.
>>> Stating that some committers "who don't do much isn't nearly as good as 2
>>> or 3 who are very active" is an unfair characterization. This is more
>>> unfair for those who are part of the project but have not been active
>>> lately due to whatever reasons, but have played a foundational role in
>>> getting the project to a point where it is today. I think they are as
>>> important as any other committer who may be very active at the moment.
>>> Merit once earned, never expires [1].
>>> [1]
>> I think you misunderstood my point or I didn't state it very well.  
>> Diversity isn't achieved simply by having bodies.  IOW I am not suggesting 
>> offering commit rights to people who haven't earned it just to meet some 
>> ratio.  However, I am not suggesting the project has ever even considered 
>> doing that.
>> Ralph
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