Discussions on Ross' and Chris' proposals ground to a halt.

In my view, there are real issues that drove those discussions, even if
those discussions drove some of us to distraction.

A bit before the wiki crashed, I wrote:


The TL;DR version of this is:

1: let's take Champions seriously as a role
2: let's ask for a minimal heartbeat from every podling every month

As the person responsible for filing the report, it seems to me that I
could, with some justification,  ask the Champions and mentors to please
comply with these ideas, with the goal of having a more accurate picture to
present. However, I'd rather seek a consensus for these, or something like
them, as a formal procedure.

Note that I labelled this thread [META DISCUSS]. I invite people with views
on these ideas to start a thread or threads as appropriate. I would ask
people, as a favor to me and others, not to use these ideas as a launchpad
'let's radically restructure instead.' These will reach a consensus or not,
and other proposals will reach a consensus or not, but I submit that it is
easier on us all to deal with them one-at-a-time.


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