Having read your wiki post, I find it a simple, considered upping of the
game, which I think would be worth the effort of trying, especially as
the mini-reports don't get to the board unless there are issues. There
really could do with being a little more 'cost' to being a podling, or a
mentor for that matter, and this proposal moves gently in that

If folks approve, we'll need to seek champions for all existing
podlings, and decide what to do about those for which we cannot identify


On Mon, May 6, 2013, at 02:56 AM, Benson Margulies wrote:
> Discussions on Ross' and Chris' proposals ground to a halt.
> In my view, there are real issues that drove those discussions, even if
> those discussions drove some of us to distraction.
> A bit before the wiki crashed, I wrote:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/BensonApril2013ProcessProposals
> The TL;DR version of this is:
> 1: let's take Champions seriously as a role
> 2: let's ask for a minimal heartbeat from every podling every month
> As the person responsible for filing the report, it seems to me that I
> could, with some justification,  ask the Champions and mentors to please
> comply with these ideas, with the goal of having a more accurate picture
> to
> present. However, I'd rather seek a consensus for these, or something
> like
> them, as a formal procedure.
> Note that I labelled this thread [META DISCUSS]. I invite people with
> views
> on these ideas to start a thread or threads as appropriate. I would ask
> people, as a favor to me and others, not to use these ideas as a
> launchpad
> 'let's radically restructure instead.' These will reach a consensus or
> not,
> and other proposals will reach a consensus or not, but I submit that it
> is
> easier on us all to deal with them one-at-a-time.
> --benson

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