On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 9:37 AM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:

> My assumption was that 'setting binding policy on projects' was
> something specifically excluded from my level of authority, as an
> officer derived from the Office of the President. If that is not the
> case, I am happy to define and publish such things within the realm of
> infrastructure.

Hi David,

Since it's seems that you're willing and we have good rapport, I think it
might work well to kick things off with Infra.  Here's my provisional agenda:

1.  Hash out DRAFT policies with Infra.
2.  Work with Legal Affairs to complete the release policy codification
3.  Review the top level "Project Requirements" document.
4.  ...

I'm presently contemplating that Infrastructure would curate two policies:

*   Infrastructure Policy
*   Release Distribution Policy

Infrastructure Policy would cover topics such as canonical repository location
and usage of external services, as you and Doug discussed upthread.

Release Distribution Policy would cover technical details of releasing, such
as cryptographic signature specs, responsibility for keeping dist dirs tidy,
and so on.  These aspects are covered (incompletely) in the present "Releases
Policy" (<http://www.apache.org/dev/release>), but are omitted from the
clarified release policy which Legal Affairs is being asked to take ownership
of (<https://github.com/rectang/asfrelease>) because they are outside Legal's

If that sounds workable, let me mull things over for a bit, then I plan to
show up on infrastructure-dev@apache with some sketches.  The content is
ultimately your call and I don't expect to get all the details right, but
before discussions commence in earnest, I'd like to mess around with language
and high-level organization to seek out approaches that are as minimalist and
flexible as possible.

Marvin Humphrey

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