Hi Sergio

Pleased to meet you and thanks for offering to become a mentor. That helps.

Feel free to add yourself to the proposal


Am 04.11.2016 um 15:57 schrieb Sergio Fernández 

Hi Felix,

most of the ASF project have successfully manage to keep using GitHub for
PRs, having the master git repository in ASF-controlled infrastructure. In
the end it doesn't represent that big break on the common workflows. But
definitely something the podling could try to address during incubation.

I'd be happy to jump-in the proposal and help as mentor.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 3:48 PM, Felix Meschberger 

Hi John

My understanding is, that we are well aware of this concern, which others
have mentioned as well.

Also Greg noted in the proposal:

gstein sez: the podling can only graduate within an approved repository
system. The IPMC may have a differing opinion, but from an Infra
perspective: the OpenWhisk podling can continue with their usage of a
GitHub repository, but faces a clear obstacle: GitHub "as master [as
allowed by the Foundation]" must be approved and working before the
graduation, or they must migrate their primary to the Foundation's Git
repository (at git-wip) before they graduate.

I think this sounds like a good compromise to work on and the poddling
intends to work actively with Infra to see that we can stay in GitHub. If
that is not possible, we byte the bullet accordingly.

In addition, also according to Greg:

We require that anybody committing to a GitHub repository authenticates
with BOTH: GitHub, and the ASF. No commits without that multiple
authentication. (this is based on our current experiments with Whimsy and
Traffic Server; same rules would apply to this podling)

The original discussion took place after the initial submission, see [1]

Does that help ?


[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/1c22a29b69e944ee725278aae05bd4

Am 04.11.2016 um 15:20 schrieb John D. Ament 

I raised the concern over using github as the primary repo.  This is
unresolved, as I understood it.


On Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 9:36 AM Felix Meschberger 

Hi all

I have made some additions to the OpenWhisk Proposal [1]:

- restructured the API Gateway references: It is expected
 that the API Gateway will be refactored with additional
 code donated by IBM during incubation.
- added a note on the API Gateway’s dependency on OpenSSL
- added a note on Trademarks IBM is currently pursuing and
 intends to transfer to ASF
- fixed some typos

With these changes and no discussions over the course of the recent
I would propose we could could vote for OpenWhisk to become an
project over the course of next weeks.

Of course we are still open to welcome interested people to become
committers to OpenWhisk Servlerless Runtime and API Gateway !



[1] https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenWhiskProposal
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Sergio Fernández
Partner Technology Manager
Redlink GmbH
m: +43 6602747925
e: sergio.fernan...@redlink.co<mailto:sergio.fernan...@redlink.co>
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