Ah, I didnt know ASF infra is ok to let Github as main source repo for a

I stand corrected.

- Henry

On Sun, Nov 6, 2016 at 1:06 AM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Henry Saputra <henry.sapu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I second John, about Github uses.
> >
> > The statement "As a community we would like to keep the master repository
> > as well as issue tracking on GitHub
> > <https://wiki.apache.org/incubator/GitHub>" at currently stand is a
> no-no
> > and putting in proposal would make it as goal which at this time not an
> > option in ASF infra.
> >
> As a *podling*, their use of GitHub is an acceptable option within ASF
> Infra. [1]
> As a TLP, it is NOT.
> Thus, when they want to graduate: either Infra has ready to give any TLP
> the option of using GitHub as their primary focal point of development (and
> OpenWhisk gets to use that option) ... or OpenWhisk must move to the
> ASF-supported, non-GitHub option.
> Infra is hoping to provide the GitHub option, but we have no date. We have
> development to do, we have risks that we can't do what is needed, etc etc.
> If OpenWhisk reaches a discussion about graduation, and Infra has not
> completed such work, then the OpenWhisk community will have a decision on
> wait or shift their development focal point.
> Cheers,
> Greg Stein
> Infrastructure Administrator, ASF
> [1] only OpenWhisk. at this time, no other podling is approved for such
> deployment, from an Infra standpoint. ... and as John notes: IPMC is
> ultimately in charge of how podlings operate. I merely state that Infra
> will support this concrete case, which I believe is a good experiment.
> there are things to learn about whether this will work/not for podlings.
> (eg. normally IPMC members get to randomly commit to podlings, how is that
> done w.r.t GitHub? do we get all commit emails? issue emails? etc)

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