Thanks, John. I think CarbonData and SystemML may ready for graduation.

Looks like Luciano will work with SystemML, then I will work with

- Henry

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 4:28 AM, John D. Ament <>

> All,
> As mentioned in this month's report, there are 63 active podlings.  While
> I've been chasing retiring podlings, I think it would be good for the
> community as a whole to look closely as podlings and see what we can do to
> graduate podlings that seem to be doing well.
> Take a look at the last two reports:
> Last month, I listed 4 podlings that appear to have completed all
> graduation requirements, but remain in the incubator (Airflow, BatchEE,
> Freemarker, Metron).  I didn't include that in February, but if I had to
> list the names, it would be: CarbonData, Edgent, Fineract, Guacamole,
> PredictionIO, SystemML, Tamaya, Unomi (but that's entirely my POV/opinion
> unless others want to chime in).
> So I'm curious, what can others do to help these 12 podlings get past the
> finish line?
> John

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