TL;DR: podling membership lists are being consolidated to LDAP, podling mentor lists remain in podlings.xml; the whimsy roster tool is being updated to become a one-stop-shop that can be used to update everything.

For the impatient, a link:

Feedback welcome on the proposal below. Fair warning: I'll treat any lack of input as lazy consensus. :-)

--- Background ---

In the past, we've had a number of ad-hoc ways of keeping track of who is on on a PPMC, and made policies based on the difficultly involved in keeping track of memberships.

For example, JIRA requests to add svn access control lists to PPMCs (even ones that use only git!) in order to have the lists be reflected on the phonebook app. And to have every committer on the IPMC have update access to all podlings.

Now we are moving towards making PPMCs more like PMCs, where the key differences are intentional - for example the addition of mentors and not being listed in commitee-info.txt.

Gitbox has been updated, our ponymail installation has been updated, our svn server will be updated soon. Other services will be updated as well.

--- Roster tool ---

Now to the primary subject of this email: the roster tool.

If you go to the link above, you will see a list of mentors and a list of PPMC members. By early next week, a separate list of committers will be shown when that list happens to be different than the list of PPMC members.

Adding a new committer, PPMC member, or mentors should be a matter a few mouse clicks and selecting the name. LDAP and/or podlings.xml will be updated on your behalf.

If you treat each of those lists (committer, PPMC member, and mentors) as separate, there are 2^3 possible combinations. If you subtract the current state, there are still 7 possible new states for every change. From a coding perspective, that's manageable, but having that many options makes the tool harder to use, and increases the possibility of human error.

For that reason, I'd like to make a simplifying assumption: that all mentors are PPMC members, and all PPMC members are committers.

Note: in the rare cases where the various lists are inconsistent, additional options will be presented. The link above has examples of mentors who are currently not members of the PPMC.

--- Access control ---

A final topic is access control. Public views of the underlying data will be made possible through the phonebook application. Any committer will be able to see the roster tool. The key question left is updating.


1) Who should be able to add/remove mentors? My initial assumption is any IPMC member.

2) Who is eligible to be added as a mentor? Again, my assumption is any IPMC member.

3) Who should be able to add/remove PPMC members? My assumption is any member of the PPMC.

4) Who is eligible to be added as a PPMC member? My assumption is any ASF committer.

5) Who should be able to add/remove PPMC committers? Again, my assumption is any member of the PPMC.

6) Who is eligible to be added as a PPMC committer? Again, my assumption is any ASF committer.

Feedback on these assumptions welcome. Any change to mentors and/or PPMC members will result in a notification to the private incubator mailing list. Any change to PPMC members and committers will result in a notification to the infrastructure team. Any change at all will result in a notification to the private mailing PPMC mailing list.

Related:; which might not be practical as stated due to difference in access control between the various lists. Even if that turns out to be the case, a tool can be created to identify differences and enable bulk updating.

- Sam Ruby

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